Page under reconstruction




DART [1]

Built 1870 by Joseph d'Aguilar Samuda, CubittTown. L59.44'. B13.8'. D7.4'. 39grt. 30nhp 2cyl compound steam engine by John Stewart, Blackwall. ON63693

1870 Delivered to Thames Conservancy Commissioners, London 1898 Transferred to Conservators of the River Thames,London. 1909 Acquired by Port of London Authority., London. 1920 Sold to Wilders & Walker Ltd., London. 1925 Owners F.W. Walker Ltd., London. 1926 Scrapped.


DART [2]

 Built 1927 by James Pollock Sons & Co Ltd.,  Faversham. YN 1248. L50.4'. B13.1'. D5.4'. 21grt. 120bhp Bolinder diesel engine. ON149961.

11-1927 Launched. 1-1928 Delivered to F.E. Walker Ltd., London.31-5-1941  Req for Admiralty service. 13-11-1945 Returned to owners. 194? Sold to Balfour Beatty & Co Ltd., London. 1976[by] Owners Commissioner for Transport, Nairobi. No further trace.



Photo D Castle colln

 Built 1955 by P.K. Harris & Sons Ltd., Appledore. YN 62. L56'. B16'. D8.9'. 37grt. 360bhp Lister Blackstone diesel engine. ON186200.

1955 Delivered to F.E. Walker Ltd., London. 1958 Sold to Overseas Dredging Co Ltd., London, renamed Overseas One. No further trace.



Photo D Castle colln

 Built 1957 by P.K. Harris & Sons Ltd., Appledore. YN 70. L56'. B16'. D8.9'. 37grt. 360bhp Lister Blackstone diesel engine.

1957 Delivered to F.E. Walker Ltd., London. 1971 Sold to A. & H. Huntemann, Germany, renamed Tiger. 1985 Sold to Hans Schramm GmbH & Co KG., Brunsbüttel, renamed Moritz. 2003 Sold to Karl H. Meyrose, Hamburg, renamed Katrin 2005 Transferred to Meyrose Schleppkontor,  Hamburg.





Built 1887 by John Cran and Co., Leith. YN2. L66.2'. B14. D5.7'. 37grt. 50ihp 2cyl compound steam engine by builder. ON88717.

1887 Delivered to Thomas A Walker, London. 1891 Owner William H Topham, London.  1893 Sold to Manchester Ship Canal Co Ltd., Manchester. 1910 Scrapped. 



Built  1887 by The Penarth Shipbuilding and Repair Co., Penarth. L70.4'. B15'. D8.1'.   51grt. 500ihp 2cyl compound steam engine by  John Stewart and Company, Blackwall. ON94351.

1-1888 Delivered to James Watkins, London. 1888 Sold to Thomas A Walker, London. 1889 Owners Charles H Walker,    Thomas Reeves and Louis Nott, London. 1898 Owner C H Walker and Co, London. 1899 Reported in South America. 1913 Converted to hulk. 





Built 1866 atCubittTown. Iron. L56.5'. B12.6'. D6.4'. 25grt.  Steam engine. ON91981.

1891[by] Owner Richard East, London. 1911[by] Owner Richard Waters, London. 1919[by] Owners Edward Agius and Co., Southampton. 1939[by] Owner Lewis and Agius Ltd., Southampton.



Built 1891 at London. Iron. L62.1'. B13.6'. D6.8'. 34grt. 5nrt. 35nhp steam engine. ON98937.

1891 Delivered to Richard Waters, London. 1900 Sold to William H Shepherd, London. 1915 Owners Alfred and John Buck, Brentford.  12-1917 Req for Admiralty service. 4-1919 Returned to owner. 1936 Believed scrapped.



Photog unknown. B Hunt colln
Built 1873 by Thomas A. Young & Son., Blackwall. L61.5'. B12'. D6.3'. 30nhp 2cyl steam engine by builder. ON91960.

1873 Delivered to unknown owner.  12-10-1886 Ist regn London. 1886 Sold to Richard Waters, London.4-9-1886 Collided with and sank brick laden sailing barge Brent off Silvertown. 1890 Owner James Westwood, Millwall, managed by R Waters. 1896[by] Owner Richard Waters, London. 1916 Owners Jessie Waters & Edgar Goss, London. 1918 Sold to Edgar Goss, London. 1919 Sold to George Dove, London. 1928 Scrapped. Regn closed.





Built 1887 by Penarth Shipbuilding and Repair Co., Penarth. Steel screw tug. 70'x15'x8'. 2cyl 13.5"x29"x18"s compound steam engine by John Stewart and Co., Blackwall. Boiler 9'diax9.6'. Speed 11knots. ON94351.

15-9-1887 Launched by Miss Lizzie Monroe. 17-1-1888 On trials on Thames. Later delivered to James Watkins, London. 1888  Owner Thomas A Walker, London. [civil engineering contractor].  1889 Owners Charles H Walker, Thomas Reeves & Louis Nott, London. 1898 Owners C H Walker & Co Ltd, London. 1899-1904 reported at Buenos Aires and Bahia Blanca. 1911 Owner C H Walker and Co Ltd., London, 1913 Dismantled and converted to a hulk.

Built 1890 by Westwood, Baillie & Co., Poplar. Iron Screw Tug.  55 grt    73.5ftx15.1ftx8.0ft 50nhp C2cyl (14, 28 x 20in) steam engine by Vulcan Ironworks Ltd.  ON98064

03/1890 Completed for James Watkins, London.  1891 Owner Mabel Screw Tug Co. Ltd. - William Coombe, Llanelly. 03-1909 Owner William J. Guy, Cardiff. 03-1913 Owner Thomas C. Spink, Hull. 03-1921 Owner United Towing Co. Ltd., Hull. 1949 Scrapped.





Built 1878 by John Stewart and Son,  Blackwall. Iron screw tug. 11GRT 2NRT. 40.6'x9.2'x5.2'. 6nhp  2cyl compound steam engine by Smith Bros, Limehouse. [Manufactured 1897] ON 112678.

1878 Delivered to unknown owner. [Unregistered vessel]. 1900 First registered London. 3-1900 Owner Nicholas C Dixon, Rotherhithe, London. 6-1900 Sold to George Pearce White, barge owner, 36  Plough Rd., Rotherhithe. 7-1900 Owners G P White and James Foxwell, Deptford, barge owners. 10-1918  Sold to J Foxwell and William Downing, Rotherhithe. 1924 [by] Managing owner James Foxwell, 36   Plough Rd., Rotherhithe. 1926 Same owner. 3-1-1929[by] Scrapped.




Including Alfred E White.


Funnel; Black with White 'W'.


My thanks to Jonathan Batty for information regarding tugs sold to J J Batty and Associates,Singapore. These included Alfred II, Chalky White, Doris White, Keith White, Pusher White, and Snow White[ Research on this vessel ongoing]



 Built 1934 by Rowhedge Ironworks Co Ltd., Rowhedge. YN 489. L39.9'. B10.5'. D4.8'. 12grt. 60bhp diesel engine. ON163457.

1934 Delivered to W E White and Sons Ltd., London. 194? Req by MoWT. 1972 Sold to M J Batty and Associates, Singapore and shipped as deck cargo from Rotterdam to Singapore. Renamed ????? B. 1976 Possibly sold to Persian owners.



See under Alpha Towing Company.



Built 1956 at Thorne. L63.7'. B18.3'. D6.2'. 58grt. 310bhp diesel engine. ON187399.

1956 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd., London, named Falcon Brook. 1967 Sold to W E White Ltd., London renamed Boys White. 1969 Sold to Fleetwood Fishing Vessel Owners, renamed Finch. 1978 Sold to Pevensey Castle Ltd., Lowestoft.



Photo © C. Sproet.
Photo W Armstrong

Built 1934 by A Brown, Wivenhoe. L65'. B16'. D7.6'. 53grt. 200bhp Deutz diesel engine.

1934 Delivered to  W T Beaumont Ltd., London, named Rodney II.. 1960 Reengined 350bhp Lister-Blackstone diesel. 1969 Sold to W E White & Sons Ltd., London, renamed  Boys  White. 19?? Owner A E White Ltd, Erith. 1983 [by] Owners Thames Marine & Civil Engineering Ltd. 19?? Owner W G S Crouch Ltd., Greenhithe, renamed Boys Spearing. No further trace.



Built 1934 by Henry Scarr Ltd., Hessle. YN 364. L71.5'. B20,7'. D10.7'. 92grt. Steam engine. ON163557.

1934 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd., London, named Abbotsbury. 1965 Sold to W.E. White & Sons (Towage) Ltd., London, renamed Chalky White. 19?? Re-engined 425bhp diesel. 1972 Sold to Michael J. Batty and Associates, Singapore and shipped as deck cargo from Rotterdam to Singapore. Renamed ????? B. 1976 Possibly sold to persian owners.



Built 1936 by Henry Robb Ltd Leith. YN 222. L65'. B16'. D6.6'. 50grt. 390bhp 6cyl Atlas Polar diesel engine. ON164604. 

1936 Delivered to General Lighterage Co Ltd., London named General IV. 24-9-1942 Req by Admiralty. 12-1942 On Admiralty service in West Africa. 194? Returned to owners. 1963 Acquired by Thames & General Lighterage Co Ltd.,  London. 1970 Sold to Electro Marine Engineering Co Ltd., London. 19?? Owners Millwall Lighterage Ltd., London. 1980 Sold to A.E. White & Sons Ltd., London, renamed Chalky White. 1983 Sold to Penfold, Erith, renamed Sarah Burn. 1987 Sold to Able Towing and Marine Services, Rochester. 1989 Sold to Argyle Charters, Campbeltown. 1990 Renamed General IV. 1994 Sold to  Frank Warling for use as a private vessel. 1994 Laid up at Campbeltown. 2003 Sold to Simon Sawers, Firth of Clyde, for restoration. 2004 Sank in Bowling harbour.



See under James W Cook Ltd



Built 1930 by W.J. Yarwood & Sons Ltd., Northwich. YN 401. L55.1'. B15.1'. D6.9'. 40grt. 100ihp 2cyl 9"x18"x12" compound steam engine by A G Mumford, Colchester. ON162482.
25-7-1930 Launched. 9-01930 Delivered to James Dredging, Towage & Transport Co Ltd., Southampton, named Prima. 16-9-1936 Sold to the Admiralty operating as dredging tug with Civil Engineer in Chief, Portsmouth. Pennant W95. 195? Re-engined  330bhp 6cyl National diesel engine 8-6-1955  Sold to A. White (W.E. White & Sons (Towage) Ltd), Erith, renamed Doris White. 1972 Sold to M J Batty and Associates, Singapore and shipped as deck cargo from Rotterdam to Singapore. Renamed ???? B. 1976 Possibly sold to Persian owners. Some  sources state vessel never shipped and scrapped 1982 by Thames Metal Company, Charlton. 1992 Register closed.



Built 1938 by James Pollock Sons & Co Ltd.,  Faversham. L49.6'. B13'. D4.9'. 19grt. 180bhp Crossley diesel engine. ON166581.

1938 Delivered to Thames Steam Tug & Lighterage Co Ltd.,  London. 1963 Acquired by Thames & General Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 1972 Sold to E.M. Mayhew, Queenborough. 3-1983 Sold to A.E.White Ltd. 1992 Sold to Tilbury Douglas Construction, Erith. 199? Sold to Bill Blake, Barking. 2005 Sold to Spithead Trading Ltd., Braintree. 2006 Still in service



Diesel launch tug

No details known



 Built 1929 by J.I. Thornycroft & Co Ltd., Woolston, Southampton. YN 1085. L77.5'. B19.6'. D10.4'. 96grt. 340bhp Ingersoll Rand diesel engine. ON161357.

1929 Delivered to Thames Steam Tug & Lighterage Co Ltd., London named Irande. 1947 Re-engined 340bhp National diesel. 1963 Acquired by Thames & General Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 1970 Sold to W.E. White & Sons (Towage) Ltd., London. 1973 Sold to Thomas J. Dilks., London, renamed John White. 197? Sold to Alfred E. White, London. 1983 Sold to Thames & Medway Towage Co Ltd., Rochester. 1985 Owner Alan C. Bennett & Sons Ltd., Rochester renamed Irande. 1992 Scrapped.



Photo A Hughes colln.

Built 1937 by Alexander Hall Ltd., Aberdeen. YN662. L78.1'. B21.1'. D7.6'. 88grt. 1nrt. 500bhp British Polar M44M diesel engine.  Official No. 165474.

Launched 4-1937. 1937 Delivered to T. C. & D. Co., London. Named Seething Lane. 1938 Transferred to Silvertown Services Lighterage Ltd., London, renamed Silvermark. 1966 Sold to W. E. White and Sons, London, renamed John White. 1973 Scrapped by T. W. Ward Ltd., Grays, Essex. 



Built 1926 by James Pollock Sons & Co Ltd.,  Faversham. YN 1159. L54.5'. B14.1'. D7.1'. 34grt. 135bhp Bolinder diesel engine. ON149692.

1926 Delivered to T.H. Pearce Ltd.,  London, named Jolly Tar. 1967 Sold to W.E. White & Sons (Towage) Ltd., London, renamed Jolly White. 1973 Sold to Peter Horlock, Mistley, renamed Rogue.



Photo Rays colln

Built 1940 by Cochrane & Cooper Ltd., Selby. YN 1207. L75.5'. B19.1'. D7.1'. 83grt. 520bhp 7cyl British Polar diesel engine. ON167389.

1940 Delivered to Silvertown Services Lighterage Ltd., London named Silvertown. 1966 Sold to W. E. White & Sons (Towage) Ltd., London, renamed Keith White. 1972 Sold to Michael J. Batty and Associates, Singapore and shipped as deck cargo from Rotterdam to Singapore.  Renamed ?????? B. 1976 Possibly sold to Persian owners.



 Photo J Tiley.

Built 1924 by T van Duijvendijk,  Lekkerkerk. YN2. L77.2'. B20'. D9.6'. 90grt. 400ihp 3cylTE steam engine by Crabtree and Co., Gt. Yarmouth. ON147703

1924 Delivered to Harrisons (London) Ltd., London named Cairnrock. 195? Sold to W.E. White & Sons (Towage) Ltd., London, renamed Knocker White. 1960 Re-engined 600bhp 2x Petter diesels.[ Conversion carried out by William 'Bill' Quelch]. 1972 Owner  Alfred E. White, London. 1983 Sold for scrapping to Penfold Ltd., Erith. 198? Sold to  Museum of London in Docklands for preservation. 2010 Stll in existence as exhibit at museum in West India Dock.



 Built  1937 Cochrane & Sons Ltd., Selby. YN1192. L1060. B25.1'. D12.8'. 230grt. 850ihp 3cylTE 14.5"x26"x41"x27"s 210psi steam engine  by C D Holmes Ltd., Hull. ON165694 Callsign GFGC.

21-10-1937 Launched. 1-1938 Delivered to United Towing Co Ltd., Hull, named Brahman. 26-8-1939 Req by RN, renamed Bat. Based at Rosyth. 1941 Despatched from Rosyth to assist HMS Kelly, damaged during evacuation of Norway. 12-1944 Towed 2 hopper barges Arromanche to Portsmouth. 12-1944 Towed 1 Ham barge Southampton to Hull. 27-1-1945 Returned to owners, renamed Brahman. 1-1962 Sold to J H Piggott and Sons Ltd., Grimsby, renamed Lady Vera.  1963 Reengined 12cyl Mirrlees Bickerton & Day diesel. 1125bhp. 1969 Sold to W E White Ltd, London, renamed Lash White.  1973 Sold to Thames Services Ltd, Gravesend, renamed Turbulent. 2-1974 Scrapped by Van Hegen Freres, Bruges.




Photog unknown
Built 1929 by Haarlemsche Scheepsbouw Maatschappij, Haarlem YN 233. L54.6'. B14.5'. D6.3'. 38grt. 200bhp 4cyl Kromhout diesel engine by Perman and Co., Bermondsey. ON161360.

1929 Delivered to  A H Green Ltd., London named Balna. 25-7-1942 Req by Admiralty. 10-1942 Transferred to MoWT for port duties in Scotland, Managers Ross and Marshall Ltd.  3-12-1942 Sold to Admiralty. 1-10-1942 Sold to W E White and Sons Ltd., London. 1953 Reengined 300bhp Widdop diesel.  4-8-1953 Renamed Lily White. 1973 Sold to M Tugs Ltd., London. 1973 Reengined with second hand Gardner diesel. 1975 Converted to liveaboard at Hoo. Reengined 2x Foden MR4 diesel, twin screw.  Renamed Lilly White. 1991 Registry closed. 6-2010 Still in existence as live-aboard at Hoo,Kent.



Built 1942 by H Bernhard Scheepswerf 'Het Jacht', Nieuwendam. L56.6'. B14.9'. D5.2'. 39grt. Diesel engine. ON186181.

1942 Delivered to unknown owners. 1955 Sold to  Alfred, James & Sarah White, Erith renamed  Louisa White,  reengined  300bhp 12cyl Davey Paxman diesel. 1957 Owners W E White & Sons (Towage) Ltd, Erith. 1972 Sold to StanleyW Weekes, Bexley. 25-7-1974 Arrived at  T W Ward Ltd, Grays, for scrapping.



ORIENT in Lane ownership after conversion to diesel. Photo's G Lane colln

Built 1894 at Millwall. Iron and steel screw tug. L63'. B14.1'. D7.7'. 47grt. 40hp 2cyl compound steam engine. ON102874.

1894 Delivered to Page, Sons and East Ltd., Nine Elms, London. 1928 Sold to Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Co., London.  1932 Sold to  Henry D Lane Ltd., Peckham, London.1936 Reengined 220bhp National diesel engine. 14-9-1940 Req by MoWT. 1-11-1940 Returned to owners. 194? Owner Alfred White, Erith. 195? Owners W E White and Sons Ltd., London. 26-8-1963 Arrived at  T W Ward Ltd., Grays, for scrapping.



Built 1935 by J Thornycroft Ltd., Woolston, Southampton. L77.7'. B19.6'. D8'. 90grt. 2x 265bhp Ruston 6KM diesel engines driving BTH generators [diesel electric drive]. ON163580.

1935 Delivered to Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Co Ltd., London named Framfield. 196? Owner E McNally,London. 1969 Sold to W E White & Sons Ltd., London renamed Pusher White. 1972 Sold to Michael J Batty and Associates, Singapore and shipped as deck cargo from Rotterdam to Singapore. Renamed Josephine B and re-engined 1200bhp Mirrlees diesel. 1976 Possibly sold to Persian owners.



Built 1925 at Groningen. L53.5'. B14.8'. D6.8'. 34grt. 280bhp diesel engine. ON185902.

1925 Delivered to unknown owners, named Henri. 1957[by] Owners W E White and Sons Ltd., London, renamed Sarah White. 1976 [post] Sold to  Stour Salvage, renamed Rebel.



SNEEZY and GIMPY. Photo C.C. Beazley (Kevin Blair/Andrew Wiltshire collection)

Diesel launch tug

No details known.



Photo  C.C. Beazley (Kevin Blair/Andrew Wiltshire collection)
 Photog unknown
Built 1967 by W.R. Cunis Ltd., Woolwich. L45'. B12.6'. D5.5'. 95bhp Thornycroft diesel engine. Dowty hydrostatic transmission. ON

1967 Delivered to W.R. Cunis Ltd., London, named Hycu. 19?? Sold to  W.E. White & Sons Ltd., London renamed Snow  White. 19?? Sold to Arcap-Welland Plant Hire Ltd., London, renamed Purbeck John. 2009 Owners Carillion Marine Ltd., London. 2016 Sold to Charlight Towing.



 Built 1915 at Hamburg. L51.3'. B13.9'. D6.7'. 30grt. 120bhp diesel engine. ON185901.

1915 Delivered to unknown owners. 19?? Owned by Graan voor Visch, Hoofddorp. 1951 Rebuilt for stern trawling, working in the Firth of Clyde named Frank. 1953 Sold to W.E. White & Sons (Towage) Ltd., London. Renamed William White. 1953 Rebuilt, re-engined 120bhp Gardner 8L3B diesel. 1976 [post] Sold to J. Dinwoodie & Son, Granton. 198? Sold to owner at Gourock . 199? Scrapped at CardwellBay, Gourock.




Funnel; Yellow with black top and red 'G Q'.



No details known.



Photo Derek Brown colln.



No details known but believed later converted to yacht.



Built 1892 by Hepple and Co.,  North Shields. YN478. Screw tug. L60.72'. B13.23'. D6.36'. 28grt.  120ihp.2cyl compound 10x"18"x14" Steam engine. ON114714.

1892 Delivered to French owner and believed based at Rouen. 19-6-1900 Arrived on Thames. 12-7-1901 Owner A S Williams, London. 1901 Owner London Grain Elevator Company. 12-1910 Transferred to PLA. 1911 Owner Alfred S Williams, London.11-1941 Sold to W. J. R. Whitehair Ltd., London. 1957 Still owned. 1970 Registration deleted No further trace.



See under Phillips and Graves Ltd.





Photo Derek Brown colln
Photyo Derek Brown colln.
 Built 1953 by Cochrane Ltd., Poplar. L46'. B11'. D6.8'. 27grt. 3cyl Crossley diesel engine.

1953 Delivered to W.J.R. Whitehair Ltd., London named Kenneth G. 196? Sold to Union Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 197? Sold to Cubow Ltd., Woolwich, renamed Cubow. 19?? Sold to Tough & Henderson Ltd., London. 1983 Sold to Hastings Bros., Brentford. 1983 Re-engined 190bhp  RollsRoyce Eagle diesel. 19?? Renamed KG. 2005 Sold to Murphy Marine Services, renamed Kiera G. 2011 Still in existence.



1938 Steam barge also used for towing. No details known.



Photog unknown. B Hunt colln
Built 1891 at Poplar. L69’. B15’. D7.7’. 47grt. Steam engine. ON99032.

1891 Delivered to William Cory and Son Ltd., London. 1924[by] Owner Alfred Wetherfield, Barking. 1934 [by] Owner W J Whitehair, London. 196? Sold.



Photographed at Brentford in 2011 by Alan Chapman.
Photo Derek Brown colln.

Built 1954 by J.R. Hepworth Ltd., Paull. 150bhp diesel engine.

1954 Delivered to W.J.R. Whitehair Ltd., London named Sidney G. 196? Sold to Union Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 1971 Sold to Sutherland Bros., London. 1977 Sold to Darling Bros Ltd., London, renamed Arthur Darling. 1985 Sold to Crusader Marine Ltd., renamed Lady Leigh. 198? Owners  McCann Tugs Ltd., London. 1989 Sold to unknown owner, renamed Malta. 200? Believed owned by  Palmers Ltd., Gravesend, renamed Ben S. 200? Sold to unknown owner, renamed Sydney G. 2011 Still in existence.



Photog unknown. A Hughes colln
Photo Derek Brown colln
Photo Derek Brown colln
Built 1928 by T. van Duijvendijk, Lekkerkerk. YN 7. L71.9'. B18.3'. D8.5'. 71grt. 330ihp steam engine. ON160586.

1928 Delivered to W.J.R. Whitehair Ltd., London. 7-1940 Req by Admiralty for service at Southend-on-Sea.11-8-1945 Returned to owners. 1963 Scrapped.



Built 1947 by Smith & Donovan Ltd, Blackwall. 120bhp Kelvin T4 diesel engine.

1947 Delivered to W J R Whitehair Ltd, London named William  J. 196? Sold to Union Lighterage Co Ltd, London. 1971 Owners Darling Bros Ltd, London renamed  William D. No further trace.




Built 1902 by A W Robertson, Canning Town 25nhp 215ihp 10kn ON145208

1902 Launched named  DOROTHY [unknown owner]. 3-1910 for sale at Avonmouth. by 8-1915 T Millward, Swansea (and in drydock at Swansea). 1915 War Office, Inland Water Transport Directorate as DT 2 (dredging department at Richborough) 1921 The Port of Queenborough Development Co Ltd, London, renamed RICHVIEW.  4-2-1924 Board of Trade, London (PQDC in liquidation).  1925 Pearson & Dorman Long Ltd, London (they took over Richborough port). 1929 Henry Wilders Jr, Plaistow, London. 1937 broken up


Including Dagenham Lighterage Limited.

Funnel; Black with broad blue band.


On 13th May 1841 Samuel Williams was bound apprentice to Charles Hutton, Lighterman of St Mary’s Lambeth, for seven years.

By 1855 he had started his own lighterage business and in 1861 purchased his first tug, Little Eastern, reputed to be the first screw tug on the Thames, and about the same time the first of what was to become a fleet of dredgers was purchased.

On 23rd March 1863 Samuel entered into an agreement with the BatterseaPark Commissioners for a ninety year lease on 120’ of river frontage, just upstream of AlbertBridge. This was to become PrincesWharf and in 1865 another 137 feet of river frontage was added to it. Here were built the steam engines which were to power some of his early tugs. 

During the 1880’s Samuel’s fleet were involved in the construction work of the Thames Embankments and also opened a bunkering Depot in the Victoria Dock. He had also built up a fleet of lighters specially adapted to carry Tar, Creosote, and Ammoniacal Liquor, having entered into a 60 year contract in 1875 to convey these goods from Beckton Gas Works. July 1886 saw sons Wlliam Varco Williams and Frank Williams admitted into the business as partners.

A major acquisition in 1887 was the purchase of a large area of riverside marshland at Dagenham Essex. Much of the reclamation work here was carried out using soil excavated from the expanding London underground railway system, transported to Dagenham in his own fleet of lighters. Also involved in the project were four steam railway locomotives and various other equipment purchased from the contractors who were just completing Tilbury Dock. These were the first of what was to be a large fleet of railway equipment used on site which eventually had main line connections to the London, Tilbury and Southend  Railway. During 1888 and 1889 two wooden jetties were constructed and by 1898 55 cottages had been built on site to house workers.

The closure of Prince’s Wharf came about on 28th March 1895 and at the same time Alfred and Arthur Williams were admitted into the partnership. 

Samuel Williams died on 28th August 1899 but during the early 1900’s the jetties were extended and in 1905 the company acquired a controlling interest in John Hudson and Company. 1916 saw the cessation of dredging activity and the remaining dredging plant was sold.

However in 1911 another major event had taken place. HMS Thunderer had been constructed at Blackwall, but there was not enough room there to complete her fitting out, so the vessel was towed down river to Dagenham, where a special jetty had been constructed for the purpose, and is still known to this day as Thunderer Jetty. The bunkering depot at Victoria Dock was closed in 1912 but at Dagenham there was expansion into other fields, including storage of coal for the London power stations. Many of the reinforced concrete piles for the Ford Works next door were constructed on site, and there was expansion over the coming years into the distribution of fuel oils and coal by a large fleet of road vehicles.

William Varco retired in 1927 and died ten years later and Arthur Williams took over the running of the company but he was to retire in 1939 and the company carried on under the leadership of Laurence Williams. Dagenham Lighterage Company Ltd proposed going into voluntary liquidation on 6-10-1970.

In 1971 the remaining larger tugs Arthur, Baroness, Birchrock, Princess and Varco were sold to Michael J Batty and Associates, Singapore.  Brought for a total of £46,000 all were shipped as deck cargo from Rotterdam to Singapore and refitted, repainted and renamed before re-entering service.


My thanks go to Graham Hardy, who kindly supplied me with much of the above history.

My thanks also to Jonathan Batty for information regarding the tugs sold to Michael J Batty and Associates. 



Photog unknown
Photo K Watson colln.


Built 1956 by T. Mitchison & Co Ltd, Gateshead. YN75. Designed by Burness Corlett and Partners. L72.1'. B18.5'. D8.7'. 69grt. 460bhp 2x R414M6 National diesel engines. MWD Gearbox. Single screw. BP7.25t. ON

30-5-1956 Launched. 1957 Delivered to Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., London. 1971 Sold to M J Batty and Associates and shipped as deck cargo from Rotterdam to Singapore. Renamed May B. 197? Owners Wallem,Singapore, renamed GoldGulf. 198? Owners Maritime PTE, Singapore. 198? Sank.



Built 1902 by Machine-Fabriek, Delfshaven. L65.6'. B15.7'. D7.5'. 49grt. 140ihp 2cyl compound steam engine by builder. ON115870

1902 Delivered to  Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., London. 15-11-1933 Barge Dart, in tow, laden with coal tar, sank following collision with SS Hero, off Mill Stairs Tier, Bermondsey.1946 Scrapped by T W Ward Ltd., Grays.



Photog unknown.

Built 1949 by Richard Dunston Ltd., Thorne. YN 750. L71'. B17.6'. D7.5'. 72grt. 118nhp 6cyl British Polar M461 diesel engine. BP7t. ON183174.

3-1950 Launched. 1950 Delivered to Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd.,  Dagenham. 1971 Sold to Michael J. Batty and Associates, Singapore, and shipped as deck cargo from Rotterdam to Singapore. Renamed Could B.  Later served under contract with US Army in  MekongDelta, Vietnam.



Built 1885 by Thames Ironworks Ltd., Blackwall. L70'. B15'. D8.4'. 49grt. 40nhp 2cyl Compound Steam engine by T A Young, Blackwall. ON91881.

1885 Delivered to  Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., London. 1913 Reengined 35nhp 3cylTE steam engine. 1924 Sold. 1934 [by] Owner John Buck, Brentford. 1936 Scrapped.



Photo B Hunt colln

Built 1937 by Richard Dunston Ltd, Thorne. L64'. B14.5'. D4.8'. 38grt. 2x 100bhp Crossley Diesel engines. Twin screw. ON164998.

 1937 Delivered to Medway Oil & Storage Co Ltd., Rochester. Named Temeritie. 1953 Owners Shell-Mex & BP Ltd., London. 1-1956 Owners Dashwood and Partners Ltd., London. 2-1956 Owner A. E. White & Son Ltd., Erith. 3-1956 Sold to Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd., London. Renamed Benbow. 1959 Sold to APCM Ltd., London. Renamed Impermo. 1972 Owner  T.G. Hooper, Wrotham. No further trace.



Built 1959 by P K Harris Ltd., Appledore. YN120. 37grt 560bhp diesel engine. 

1959 Delivered to Harrisons [London[ Ltd, named Birchrock. 1968 Sold to Samuel Williams Ltd., London. 1971 Sold to M J Batty and Associates, Singapore and shipped as deck cargo from Rotterdam to Singapore. Renamed Shall B. 9-12-1971 Sunk by gunfire from Indian Navy vessel INS Beas whilst engaged in UN relief  work in Bangladeshi waters.


DUKE [1]

Photo B Hunt colln.

Built 1875 by John Dudgeon, Millwall. Iron. 40grt.  L65'. B13.3'. D6.5'. 30nhp 2cyl HP steam engine by Samuel Williams, Lambeth [Manuf 1869]. ON73557.

1875 Delivered to Samuel Williams, Lambeth, London. 1898 Owners Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., Lambeth. 1907 Scrapped.


DUKE [2]

Photo B Hunt colln.

 Built 1927 by John Chalmers, Lowestoft. 250ihp steam engine.

1927 Delivered to Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd., London. 24-7-1928 Assisted LCC fire brigade to extinguish fire on pleasure steamer Eagle, lying in Deptford Creek. 1940 Took part in Dunkirk evacuation. Master B Mansfield. Departed 0930 1-6-1940 towing car ferry Fishbourne. Later parted tow to pick up S/B's Ada Mary and Haste Away. Returned to Dover towing 2 small boats and landed 44 troops. 29-5-1941 Req by  Admiralty managers Wiliam Cory & Sons Ltd., London.20-5-1946 Returned to owner. 1952 Scrapped.

A report of this tugs activities during the Dunkirk evacuation appears on the DUNKIRK LOGS page


EARL [1]

Built 1880 Thames Ironworks Ltd.,  Blackwall. L63.3'. B13.7'. D7'. 34grt. 30nhp 2cyl Steam engine by Samuel Williams, Battersea. ON89569.

1880 Delivered to Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., London. 1885  Sold to unknown owner. 1892[by] Owner Frederick Cole, Chelsea,London. 1896 Repurchased by Samuel Williams. 1929 Scrapped.


EARL [2]

Built 1929 by John Chambers, Lowestoft.  60grt. 350ihp steam engine.

1929 Delivered to Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., London. 195? Scrapped.



Built 1884 by Thames Iron Works & Shipbuilding Co Ltd, Blackwall. Iron. L65'. B13.7'. D7'. 34grt. 40nhp 2cyl compound steam engine by Samuel Williams, Battersea. ON91870.

1884 Delivered to Samuel Williams, Lambeth. 1898 Owner Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd, Lambeth. 1931 Scrapped.



At Barking Town Quay. Photo D Asprey colln.

Built 1878 by Dudgeon & Co., Millwall. L65.3'. B14'. D6.5'. 30nhp 2cyl  steam engine by Samuel Williams, Battersea. ON79648.

1878 Delivered to Samuel Williams, Lambeth. 1895 Owners Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd., Lambeth. 1912 Sold to Henry W. Dove, Limehouse. 1912 Owner George Dove, Limehouse.  30-8-1915 Off Garrison Pier, Purfleet, collided with and sank cutter Alert, resulting in the deaths of 16 boys and one officer  from the reformatory training ship Cornwall. 1928 Scrapped.



Photo B Hunt colln

Launch tug.

No details known.

OwnersJames JonesCanal Towage on permanent hire to Samuel Williams. 1968 Acquired by Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., London.



Photo B. Hunt colln.

Built 1935  by James Pollock Sons & Co Ltd., Faversham. YN 1527. L41'. B10.5'. D4.2'. 13grt. 60bhp 2cyl Widdop diesel engine. 

9-1935 Launched. 10-1935 Delivered to James Jones Canal Towage. 19?? On permanent hire to Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd., London. 1968 Acquired by Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd., London.



Built 1858 atGreenwich. L62.9'. B11.3'. D6'. 26grt. 10nhp 1cyl steam engine. ON20840.

1858 Delivered to unknown owner. 1860 Owner  W R Wagstaff, London. 1861 Sold to Samuel Williams, London. 1864 Sold to W R Wagstaff, London. 1875[by] Owner Robert J Scott, Bankside. 12-2-1875 Skipper William Ardley fined one pound for towing more than six barges between Vauxhall and victoria Dock. 1889  Owners Robert Scott & Esther Elmore, Bankside, London. 1889 Sold to William Nandersteen & Edwin Hubble, Limehouse. 1890 Sold to George Dards, London. 1891 Owner James Watkins, London. 1891 Sold to George Rayner & Albert Hayball, Brentford. 1895 Owners Rayner & Hayball Ltd, Brentford. 1897 Scrapped.



Photo B Hunt colln

Built 1902 by Machine-Fabriek, Delfshaven. L65.5'. B15.6'. D7.5'. 49grt. 220ihp 2cyl compound steam engine by builder. ON115874. 

1902 Delivered to  Samuel Williams, and Sons Ltd,  London. 1950 Scrapped by G Cohen, Silvertown..



Launch tug

Built about 1921. 50bhp Kromhout diesel engine.

19?? Owners  James Jones Canal Towage Co. 19?? Permanently  hired to Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd, Dagenham. 1968 Acquired by Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd, Dagenham 19?? Sold to C W Beckett & Co, Teddington. 1980 Owners May Gurney Construction, Norwich.



Built 1863 by J & H Dudgeon, Limehouse. L55'. B12'. D6.5'. 25nhp 1cyl steam engine by builder. ON47356.

1863 Delivered to Samuel Williams, London. 1899 Scrapped.



Built 1898 by Dundee Shipbuilding Company Ltd., Dundee.  YN114. L69'. B16.4'. D9.2'. 54.81grt. 60nhp 2cyl compound steam engine by Whyte and Mair. ON110060.

30-9-1898 Launched. 1898 Delivered to Samuel Williams Ltd., London, named Prince. 1916 Acquired by W.H.J. Alexander ltd., renamed Sundial. 3-10-1938 Sold to Silvertown Services Ltd (£1500), renamed Silverdial. 4-7-1940 Bombed and sank in PortlandHarbour.



Built 1925 at Cremyll, Cornwall. L68.2'. B16.4'. D8.4'. 51grt. 26hp. ON148686.

1925 Delivered to Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., London.1-6-1940 Crossed to Dunkirk towing small boats under Skipper J Benson. 1957 Still in service.

A report on this tugs activities during the Dunkirk evacuation appears on the DUNKIRK LOGS page.



Built 1904 by Machine-Fabriek,  Rotterdam. L69'. B17'. D9.1'. 63grt. 70nhp 2cyl compound steam engine by builder. ON120490.

1904 Delivered to Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., London.12-8-1914 Req for Admiralty service at Sheerness. 12-7-1919 Returned to owners. 1-6-1940 Crossed to Dunkirk under skipper J Wallis. 1949 Renamed Viscountess-W. 1950 Scrapped.

A report on this tugs activities during the Dunkirk evacuation appears on the DUNKIRK LOGS pages.



Built 1949 by Richard Dunston Ltd., Thorne. L71.1'. B17.6'. D7.5'. 72grt. 450bhp 6cyl British Polar diesel engine. BP7t. ON183169.

12-1949 Delivered to Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd., London. 1971 Sold to Michael J Batty and Associates, Singapore and shipped as deck cargo from Rotterdam to Singapore. Renamed Should B.  9-12-1971 Part of the convoy fired upon by INS Beas.



Built 1862 at Millwall. L56.6'. B12.1'. D6.6'. 25nhp 1cyl steam engine. ON44988.

1862 Delivered to Samuel Williams, London. 1875 Sold to Tough and Henderson,London. 1882 Owner Robert Tough, London. 1903 Scrapped.



Built 1880 by Thames Ironworks Ltd.,  Blackwall. L63.3'. B13.7'. D7'. 34grt. 30nhp 2cyl steam engine by Samuel Williams, Battersea. ON89570.

1880 Delivered to  Samuel Williams, Lambeth, London. 1929 Scrapped.



Photog unknown.
Photo D Asprey colln

Built 1887 by Thames Ironworks Ltd.,  Blackwall. L70'. B15.2'. D8.3'. 48grt. 50nhp 2cyl compound steam engine by T A Young, Blackwall. ON94355.

1887 Delivered to Samuel Williams. Lambeth. 1898 Owners Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., London. 1917 Req for Admiralty service. 1918 returned to owner. 1926 Sold to S Wheeler, Twickenham. 1932 Scrapped.



Photog unknown

Launch tug

Built 1938 by James Pollock Ltd., Faversham. YN1709. L41'. B10.5'. D5.4'. 60bhp Widdop diesel engine.

7-1939 Completed by Pollock's for stock. 7-1940 Acquired by James Jones Canal Towage and placed on permanent hire to Samuel Williams. 1968 Acquired by Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., London. 1971 Believed scrapped at Dagenham Dock.



Launch tug.

OwnersJames Jones Canal Towage on permanent hire to Samuel Williams. 1968 Acquired by Samuel Williams and Sons Ltd., London.



Photographer unknown

Built 1957 by T. Mitchison & Co Ltd, Gateshead. YN 77. L72.1'. B18.5'. D8.7'. 69grt. 460bhp National diesel engine. BP9t.  ON

1957 Delivered to Samuel Williams & Sons Ltd., London. 1971 Sold to Michael J. Batty and Associates, Singapore, and shipped as deck cargo from Rotterdam to Singapore.  Renamed Might B. and served at Chittagong. 1972 Loaned to  Maritime Pte Ltd., Singapore between contracts. 1976 Sold to Wallem Towage & Salvage Pte Ltd.,  Singapore, renamed Jade Gulf. 197? Owners Maritime Pte Ltd., Singapore.





Built 1878 by S Hodge and Sons, Millwall. Iron. L59.5'. B11.8'. D5.6'. 26grt 30nhp. ON94318.

 1878 Delivered to  George, Charles and George Edward  Wood, Coal Exchange,London. 1892 Reengined C2cy 12"&24"x16" 24nhp 144ihp  by Plenty & Son. 5-2-1895 Owners Alfred and Ernest Wood, London.5-4-1904 Owners  Woods Lighterage Co Ltd., ,London.3-11-1913 Sold to Hope Lighterage Ltd., London. 30-9-1918 Sank off Southwold, Suffolk



 Built 1876 by S Hodge and Sons,  Millwall. Iron.  L59'7". B11'9". D6'. 33grt 25nhp 1cyl 18"x24" steam engine. ON73677

24-6-1876 Delivered to George, Charles and George Edward  Wood, Coal Exchange, London. 1890 Reengined C2cy 11"&20"x16" 20nhp 120ihp  by Plenty & Son. 5-2-1895 Owners Alfred & Ernest Wood, London.5-4-1904 Owners Woods Lighterage., London.3-11-1913 Sold to Hope Lighterage Ltd., London.24-8-1920 Sold to  Clements Knowling Ltd., London. 1-1930 Register closed 'broken up'.



