Page updated 21-9-2013
These photographs have very kindly been made available by Terry Morgan and feature his father Tom Morgan, who was a crew member on Gondia when she was based at Reykjavik, Iceland during WW2. If you are able to identify any other crew members in the photo's please contact me quoting the photograph number.
TM1. Thomas Morgan. Photo Terry Morgan collection
TM2. Tom Morgan on right. Photo T Morgan colln
TM3. Thomas Morgan on right. Photo T Morgan colln.
TM4. Thomas Morgan seated on chair. Photo T Morgan colln.
TM5. Thomas Morgan 2nd left. Spike Gregory on right. Photo T Morgan colln.
21-9-2013  Nolly Harvey suggest that it is Fred Fothergill in the centre.
16-6-2014 - Yes Fred Fothergill in centre - Ray Fothergill.
TM6. Thomas Morgan front right. Harry Green on left in back row. Spike Gregory 2nd left back row. Photo T Morgan colln.
TM7. Tom Morgan 2nd from left. Photo T Morgan colln.
TM8. Tom Morgan back row left. Spike Gregory on his left. Photo T Morgan colln.
TM9. Spike Gregory. Photo T Morgan colln.
TM10. Spike Gregory. Photo T Morgan colln.
TM11. Tom Morgan in centre. Photo T Morgan colln.


ICELAND 1944. Photo courtesy Joseph Koblinski, Baton Rouge, USA
Joe's father is amongst the American troops standing on the engine room casing, the pic being taken in 'the fall of 1944', so not long before the tug was lost.

EMPIRE WOLD. Photog unknown.
Henry Samuel 'Harry Boy' Clarke, LT/KX 160325, Stoker RNPS aged 17. Harry was aged 20 when lost in the Empire Wold off Iceland 10-11-1944 and is remembered on the Lowestoft Naval Memorial. Photo courtesy Alan Hayes.