page last updated 7-8-2010

Ship Towage [London] Ltd. came into being on the 1st February 1950, being an amalgamation of the fleets of William Watkins Ltd., (14 tugs), Elliott Steam Tug Co. Ltd., (2 tugs) and Gamecock Tugs Ltd., (4 tugs). On 1-5-1965 four ship handling tugs belonging to Gaselee and Son Ltd. also joined the combine. The constituent companies retained their individual funnel colours until 1965, when the Ship Towage colours were introduced.
William Watkins Ltd. contributed the following vessels, whose details can be found in the Watkins Fleet Lists:ARCADIA: CERVIA[2]: GONDIA: HIBERNIA[2]: JAVA[2]: KENIA: MURIA[2]: NAPIA[2]: RACIA[2]: RUMANIA[3]: SIMLA: TANGA: ZEALANDIA[2] and the chartered EMPIRE JOHN.
These lists therefore contain details of the Elliott, Gamecock and Gaselee vessels plus any new tugs entering the fleet 1950-1969.
Built 1932 by Alexander Hall and Co. Ltd., Aberden. YN639. Screw Tug. L86'. B25'. D11.8'. 182grt. 1000ihp 3cylTE 16"x25"x42"x27"s steam engine by builder. Acquired 1-2-1950 Disposed 1970. Scrapped 1971. Official No. 162687. Call sign MBBM.
10-2-1932 Launched. 3-1932 Delivered to Gamecock Steam Towing Co. Ltd., Gravesend. 14-10-1940 Req by Admiralty. 1940 Stationed at Milford Haven for three weeks. 17-11-1940 Stationed at Oban. 2-1940 Grounded in Oban Harbour and sustained bottom damage. Sent to River Clyde for repairs and when completed stationed on Clyde. 15-9-1941 Damaged by mine at Dalmuir Basin, River Clyde. Tug beached and refloated 11-10-1941 for repairs. 5-1944 Departed River Clyde. 9-1944 Supplied steam for winches of SS Richard Montgomery, which had grounded and broken her back in Thames off Sheerness laden with munitions. 8-1946 Returned to owner. 1-2-1950 Transferred to Gamecock Tugs Ltd., Ship Towage [London] Ltd. 1964 Sold to William Watkins Ltd. 27-1-1969 Transferred to London Tugs Ltd. 2-1970 Scrapped by Scrappingco SA, Antwerp.
Courtesy Doug Hardy
(Coal Hulk)
Photo STLcolln
Built 1912 by Nuscke and Co., Stettin. L221'. B34'. 960grt. TE6cyl steam engine. Acquired 1953. Disposed 1968. Scrapped 1968. ON180956
1912 Delivered to A. Kirsten, Hamburg, named Borussia. 1930[by] Owner Kolner Reederei AG (Edmund Halm & Co), PoR Cologne. 1939 1939 Owners Rhein-London Linie (A. Kirsten & Co).Renamed Timandra. 5-1945 Seized as prize at Hamburg. 1946 Owners MoWT, renamed Empire Confal. 1947 Sold to General Steam Nav. Co., London, renamed Woodwren. 1953 Acquired by Ship Towage [London] Ltd, cut down to deck level and steam crane fitted amidships at Ramsgate and later stationed off Gravesend as a coal hulk. 19-8-1954 Renamed Artemis. 1954 Owner W Sandford [Artemis] Ltd., [Manager Alfred J Page] London. 24-10-1968 Towed away by Moorcock for scrapping at Medway Dry Docks, Sheerness.
Built 1962 by Cochrane and Sons Ltd., Selby. YN1482. Screw Tug. L118'5''. B30'5''. D12'11''. 293grt 1800bhp 9cyl 2 S.C.S.A. 340 x 570mm M49M British Polar diesel engine. Speed 12 knots BP 36 tons. Acquired 1962. Disposed 1975. Official No. 304381. Call sign GKSU.
20-6-1962 Launched. 14-11-1962 Delivered to Elliott Steam Tug Company Ltd., (Ship Towage (London) Ltd., managers, London. 3.1965 Sold to William Watkins Ltd., (same managers). 20-9-1968 Owners restyled London Tugs Ltd [same managers]. . 1974/5 Fitted with Kort nozzle and variable pitch prop by Tyne Dock and Engineering Co., South Shields. Bollard pull increased from 18 to 32 tons. 1-1-1975 Owners acquired by the Alexandra Towing Company Ltd, Liverpool. 28-4-1976 Owners restyled The Alexandra Towing Co. [London] Ltd. 1985 Sold to Purvis Marine, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada, renamed Avenger IV. 31-10-1985 Departed Gravesend bound for Great Lakes of Canada. 2010 Still in service.
Built 1966 by Richard Dunston Ltd., Hessle. YN S842. Screw Tug. L30.7m. B7.83m. D3.81m. 166grt. 1050bhp 8cyl 4 S.C.S.A. 10¼" x 14½" Ruston and Hornsby diesel engine. BP16t. Speed 11 knots. Acquired 1966. Disposed 1975. Scrapped 1989. Official No. 309861. Call sign GWJA.
2-1967 Completed for William Watkins Ltd., (Ship Towage (London) Ltd., managers), London. 27-1-1969 Owners restyled as London Tugs Ltd. [same managers]. 1970 Enclosed wheelhouse conversion by Denton Slipways Ltd. Owners restyled as London Tugs Ltd., (same managers). 1-1-1975 Owners acquired by Alexandra Towing Company Ltd, Liverpool 28-4-1976 Owners restyled The Alexandra Towing Co. [London] Ltd. 19-11-1989 Towed to breakers at Sheerness by Sun London. 1989 Scrapped by The Medway Drydock and Engineering Co. Ltd., Sheerness.
Photog unknown
Built 1931 by Alexander Hall and Co. Ltd., Aberdeen. YN633. Screw Tug. L110'. B26.1'. D12.3'. 1150ihp 3cylTE coal fired steam engine by builder. Acquired 1-2-1950. Disposed 1973 Official No. 162549. Call sign MPZB.
22-1-1931 Launched. 3-1931 Delivered to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd., London. 31-5-1940 Worked at Dunkirk berthing vessels in the harbour during the evacuation. 1-6-1940 Returned to Dunkirk towing small craft. 1941 Assisted in erection of the Maunsell AA towers in the Thames Estuary. 1944 Towing Mulberry Harbour parts. 3-7-1944 Damaged by V1 rocket in Royal Albert Dock. Repaired at Mills and Knight's yard, Rotherhithe. 12-1949 Transferred to the Elliott Steam Tug Company (1949) Ltd., London. 1-2-1950 Ship Towage [London] Ltd. appointed managers. 12-1955 Owners restyled the Elliott Steam Tug Company Ltd., (same managers).1964 Converted to oil fired boiler at Sheerness. 3-1965: Sold to William Watkins Ltd., (same managers). 27-1-1969 Transferred to London Tugs Ltd. 1972 Withdrawn from service for scrapping. 29-10-1973 Sold to TSt. Katharine Haven Ltd (Taylor, Woodrow Group), London for preservation at St. Katherines Dock, London. 1993 Transferred for preservation to Dunkirk Little Ships Restoration Trust, Warsash, and moved to Tilbury Dock for restoration. 1995 Returned to steam . 2007 Latest update from Bob Long. Drydocked. Prop, tailshaft, intermediate shaft and pedestal bearing removed for refurb plus attention to boiler. 2010 Under further restoration at Shoreham. The last steam tug to operate in the Ship Towage fleet. 2020 Owner became Mr Chris Bannister, vessel at Southampton. 21-7-2022 Departed Southampton, after ten years at the port, and voyaged under own power to River Medway. 22-7-2022 Arrived Medway and moored to buoys off Ship Lane, Chatham.
CHALLENGE Engine Room 1960's
Photog unknown
Built 1933 by Alexander Hall and Co. Ltd., Aberdeen. Screw Tug. L100'. B26.1'. D12.3'. 213grt. 1150ihp 3cylTE coal fired steam engine by builder. Acquired 1-2-1950. Disposed 1972. Scrapped 1972. Official No. 163323. Call sign MBCR.
23-2-1933 Launched. 3- 1933 Delivered to Elliott Steam Tug Co Ltd., London. 31-5-1940 Present at Dunkirk evacuation, working off beaches under Skipper H J Bates. 23-7-1940 Req by War Office. 12-1940 Based on River Clyde. 5-1944 Departed Clyde. 10-6-1944 Under COTUG control towed Whale units tto Mulberry A. 12-9-1944 Returned to owners. 1-12-1949 Transferred to the Elliott Steam Tug Company (1949) Ltd., London. 2-1950 Ship Towage [London] Ltd. appointed managers. 12-1955 Owners restyled the Elliott Steam Tug Company Ltd., (same managers).2-1958 Converted to oil fired boiler on Tyneside. 3-1965 Sold to William Watkins Ltd., (same managers). 27-1-1969 Transferred to London Tugs Ltd. 7-4-1972 Scrapped by T W Ward Ltd, Grays, Essex.
Photog unknown
Just off the slipway at Ramsgate following refit. Photo M Houckham colln
Built 1935 by Alexander Hall and Co Ltd., Aberdeen. YN654. Screw Tug. L96'. B25.1'. D11.8'. 177grt. 1000ihp 3cylTE 16"x25"x42"x 27" stroke 200psi steam engine by builder. Acquired 1-2-1950. Disposed 1970. Scrapped 1970. Official No. 164441. Call sign MBKX.
5-3-1935 Launched. 4-1935 Delivered to Gamecock Steam Towing Co Ltd., Gravesend. 31-5-1940 Crossed to Dunkirk towing lighter. Returned to Dover. 1-6-1940 Returned to Dunkirk, assisting small craft under Skipper T Hills. 12-6-1940 Returned to Thames after spell at Newhaven. 1941 Assisted erection of Maunsell AA forts in Thames Estuary. 21-4-1944 Assisted towing Phoenix unit A1-59 ex King George V Dock to Tilbury. 1-2-1950 Transferred to Gamecock Tugs Ltd., Ship Towage [London] Ltd. 1964 Sold to Wiklliam Watkins Ltd. [Ship Towage [London} Ltd., Managers]. 27-1-1969 Transferred to London Tugs Ltd. 2-1970 Scrapped at Willbroeck by Scrappingco NV..
CRESTED COCK Engine Room 1960's
Built 1958 by Schichou, Bremerhaven, Germany. Screw Tug. L80'4''. B21'6''. D10'. 97grt. 660bhp 8cyl 4 S.C.S.A. Deutz diesel engine. Acquired 1965. Disposed 1971. Official No. 187697.
1958 Completed for Gaselee and Son Ltd., London. Tall hinged funnel for 'under bridges' work. 1-5-1965 Sold to William Watkins Ltd., Ship Towage [London] Ltd, managers. 1965 Low 'motor' funnel fitted. 2o-9-1968 Owners restyled London Tugs Ltd. 12-1971 Sold to J G Efthimou, Piraeus, Greece, renamed Atromitos. Greek flag, official no. 2010. 1986 Sold to Pelion Maritime Co., Volos. Greek flag, official no. 580. Call sign SV2893. 2005 Still in service.
Photo STL colln
Photo PRB colln
Built 1959 by Henry Scarr Ltd., Hessle. YN762. Screw Tug. L113'7''. B28'9''. D12'6''. 272grt. 1280bhp 8cyl 2 S.C.S.A. 340 x 570mm British Polar diesel engine. BP27t. 12 knots. Acquired 1959. Disposed 1975. Scrapped 1986. Official No. 300982. IMO5089465. Call sign GFJA.
24-4-1959 Launched. 8-1959 Delivered to William Watkins Ltd., Ship Towage [London] Ltd managers. 20-9-1968 Owners restyled London Tugs Ltd. [same managers]. 1-1-1975 Owners acquired by Alexandra Towing Company Ltd, Liverpool 28-4-1976 Owners restyled Alexandra Towing Co. [London] Ltd. 16-6-1980 Transferred to Alexandra Towing Co., [Felixstowe] Ltd. 1983 Sold to Havelet international Ltd, Guernsey (Anthony M McGinnity, manager). 4-1983 Sold to Chara SA, Guernsey, renamed Dhulia S. [Managers General Maritime Enterprises [Antwerp] Ltd.] [Panamanian flag] 12-1985 Scrapped by Arie Rijsdijk Boss and Zoonen, Hendrik-ido-Ambacht.
Photo Malcolm Cranfield
Built 1961 by Henry Scarr Ltd., Hessle. Screw Tug. YN775. L85'9''. B21'6''. D10'9''. 98grt. 1000bhp 8cyl 4 S.C.S.A. 320 x 450 mm SBV8M545 Deutz diesel engine. Acquired 1965. Disposed 1975. Official No. 302599.
21-11-1960 Launched. 1961 Completed for Gaselee and Son Ltd., London. 1-3-1965 Sold to Ship Towage [London] Ltd. 8-3-1965 Sold to William Watkins Ltd., (Ship Towage (London) Ltd., managers), London. 20-9-1968 Owners restyled London Tugs Ltd. [same managers]. 1-1-1975 Owners acquired by Alexandra Towing Company Ltd, Liverpool. 28-4-1976 Owners restyled Alexandra Towing Co. [London] Ltd. 1977 Sold to Killick Martin & Company Ltd., London, and unofficially renamed Kilda. 1980 Sold to Killick Martin & Company Ltd. & J. Darling (Import & Export) Services Ltd., London. 1983:Transferred to J. Darling (Import & Export) Services Ltd. 1987 Sold to Alan C Bennett, Rochester. 1988 renamed Mamba. 1990 Company restyled Medway Lighterage Co Ltd. 1993:Transferred to Alan C Bennett & Sons, Strood. 2002 Sold to Simon Bradley, converted to houseboat at Port Werburgh, River Medway. 2003 Sold to Aaron Hammond. 2003 For sale. 2006 Still at Hoo St Werburgh.