


Photog unknown

Built 1935 by James Pollock and Sons Ltd.,  Faversham. YN1326. L31.5'. B8.8'. D4.3'. 5grt. 30bhp 1cyl Widdop diesel engine. ON182922
7-1935 Launched. 8-1935 Delivered to Lion Wharf Ltd., London. Used to transport barges of stone from the old Waterloo bridge, which was  being demolished, to Isleworth. 1953 Sold to T. Creelman & Co (London) Ltd., London. 1954 Owners restyled to Creelman & Lane Ltd., London. 1957 Sold to Cox, Long & Co Ltd., Leighton Buzzard. 1959 Re-engined 48bhp  Gardner diesel. 1975 Still owned. 1992 Registry closed.
Photo and caption courtesy Keith Stoddart



Photog unknown
Photo and caption courtesy Keith Stoddart
Photo and caption courtesy Keith Stoddart

Built 1937 by Henry Scarr Ltd., Hessle. YN 388. 50grt. 340bhp diesel engine. [Rebuilt from 3cylTE] ON184441.

1937 Delivered to Lion Wharf Ltd., London, named Isleworth Lion. 27-4-1941 Req by Admiralty for use as M/S skid towing tug based Gravesend.. 1944 Returned to owner. 1960 Sold to General Lighterage Co Ltd., London, renamed General  V.  1962 Sold to Erith & Dartford Lighterage Co Ltd.,Erith renamed Caroline. 1975 Renamed Caroline Bodkin. 198? Sold to Albert Coffey, Gravesend. 1989 Sold to Medway Towing Services, re-renamed Caroline.  2004 In Hoo Marina. 2006 Still in existence.
Photo and caption courtesy Keith Stoddart





Built 1884 by London Dry Dock Co., Ltd, Deptford. L77', B16.5'. D9.3'. 72grt. 40nhp 2cyl compound steam engine by Windus and Dunsmore, Millwall. ON89630

1884 Delivered to London Steam Tug Co Ltd., London. 1900 Sold to Arthur Smith, Limehouse. 1900 Sold to John G Hammond, London.  1901 Sold to Boston Steam Tug Co Ltd., Boston. 5-1912 Sold to J Batey & Son Ltd., Newcastle. 6-1920 Transferred to Lawson-Batey Tugs Ltd., Newcastle. 9-1925 Sold to Allen Brown Ltd., Newcastle for £825. 7-1934 Sold to Risdon Beazley Marine Trading Co Ltd., Southampton. 12-1934 Scrapped by owner. 



Built 1883 by A D Lewis and Co, Greenwich. Iron screw tug. L75.5'. B16.4'. D9.5'. 79grt. 10nrt. 235ihp 2cyl 14"x28"x20"s compound steam engine by Windas and Dunsmore, Millwall. ON89532.

1883 Delivered to London Steam Tug Co Ltd., London.24-10-1900 Sold to James Turner, Grimsby.15-10-1917 Renamed Terrier II. 18-11-1919 Sold to G & T Thompson, Hull.18-4-1921 Transferred to Thompson Towage Co Ltd., Hull.23-10-1926 Acquired by United Towing Co Ltd., Hull. 1927 Scrapped.





Built 1868 at Wapping. Iron screw tug.  52.7'x10'x6'. 19grt. 13nrt. Steam engine. ON60850
1869 Delivered to James McGowan. 66-67 Wapping Wall, London E. 1871 Owner James Ibbotson Spicer, Milton Rd, Gravesend. 19-4-1871 Sold Foreign, registration cancelled.  20-4-1871 Arrived Antwerp no further trace.




Built 1875 at Poplar. Iron. L70'2". B13'9". D7'. 47grt. 30nhp steam engine. ON70724.

1876[by] Owner  George C Graves, London. 1911[by] Owners William J & Mrs Sarah Margetts, CanningTown. 1924[by] Owner Rowland H Charlton, Louth. 1934[by] Owners Lincolnshire Towage Co Ltd., RoyalDock Basin,Grimsby.



Built 1876 by Alexander Pratt, Firhill, Glasgow. Iron. L65'3". B14'3". D6'3". 33grt. 35nhp steam engine. ON73736.

1876 Delivered to Alexander Pratt, Glasgow. 1879 Reengined 2cyl compound by J Stewart, London. 1882[by] Owner Alexander Pratt, Poplar. 1889[by] Owner J H Pratt, Forest Gate, London.15-7-1892 Hired by Great Eastern Railway for six months for use at Felixstowe for £40 per month. 13-3-1896 Sold to J Constant, London.4-5-1896 Sold to A Tolhurst, Northfleet Kent. 5-10-1898 Sold to Philip Margetts, CanningTown,London.5-12-1899 Owner George Margetts, CanningTown.2-12-1906 Owners William J & Mrs Sarah Margetts, CanningTown.19-12-1916 Sold to Grimsby Steam Tug and Launch Co Ltd., Grimsby.9-4-1918 Condemned as no longer serviceable.






Built 1883 by A D Lewis and Co,. East Greenwich. L60'. B13'. D8'. 41grt. 1cyl high-pressure 18½"x22" 34nhp by S Hodge & Sons, Millwall ON87136.

 18-7-1883 Abraham C Frey, Lewis W Molesworth and Charles C Welman (A Frey & Co), London 1891 re-engined C2cyl 14",28"x16" 35nhp, Plenty & Son, Newbury (Eng No 1267) 19-7-1900 Arthur W Smith, Limehouse
19-7-1900 John G Hammond, London 5-10-1900 John R B Curtis, London 7-1-1902 The Mercantile Lighterage Co Ltd, London 22-4-1902 James R Francis, London
4-8-1916 Mate George Bowles of Brentford commended by coroner for his efforts to attempt to save a boy from the river. Bowles had already saved five lives and had the Royal Humane Society certificate. 1924 Owner James R Francis., London. 1939 Owners Maritime Lighterage Co Ltd., London.29-12-1940 Bombed by German aircraft and sank off Ratcliffe Cross Buoy.1941 Salved and scrapped.



Photo B Hunt colln.

Built 1893 by Thames Ironworks Ltd., Blackwall. L70.6'. B15.8'. D8.3'. 50grt. 60nhp 2cyl compound steam engine by Young and Son, Blackwall.  ON101990.

1993 Delivered to Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Co Ltd, London, named Hilda. 1925 Sold to  Maritime Lighterage Co Ltd., London. Renamed Ratcliff. 1942 Sold to William E White, Erith. 1949 Owners James H and Alfred E White, Erith. 1953 Scrapped.  




Photog unknown. B Hunt colln
 Launch Tug. No details known.

See under RTC III, River Thames Carriers Ltd.



Built 1949 by Smith & Donovan Ltd.,  Poplar. L54.84'. B12.6'. D6.19'. 54grt. 360bhp 5cyl 10.5"x13.5" Crossley diesel engine.

1949 Delivered to W.G. Marriott & Sons Ltd.,Erith named William George. 1975 Sold to Atlas Transport & Shipping Co Ltd., London, renamed Richard Hart. 1981 Re-engined 365bhp Cummins KT-1150M diesel. 198? Sold to Salvesen Diving (UK) Ltd., Liverpool. 1989 Sold to MedwayPort Services, Rochester (GBR) 1991 Owners General Port Services Ltd., Rochester. 1993 Owners GPS Plant Ltd., Rochester. 200? Owners GPS Marine Contractors Ltd, Chatham. 2009 Still in service.


Built 1892 by    Edwards & Symes, London    YN 270  Steel & Iron Screw Steamer  68 grt 10 nrt     L 78.0 ft    B16.1 ft    D8.6 ft  60nhp C2cyl (16, 31 x 20in), by  Vosper & Co.  ON101941  

1892 Delivered to Edward Martin & others, Blackwall      London .        1904 Sold to Ebenezer Edwards, Gravesend & Richard Reader, Poplar. 04-1904 Owners Joseph Holman Dunn, Thirza Holman Smith & Mary Ann Mills, Newport
1911 transferred to J. H. Dunn & T. H. Smith, Newport 1929 transferred to Newport Screw Towing Co. Ltd. 1932  Broken Up .



Built 1930 by James Pollock Sons & Co Ltd.,  Faversham. YN 1270 [designed 1927]. L65.8'. B16.2'. D6.6'. 50grt. 270bhp Bolinder diesel engine. ON163318.

6-1930 Launched, named Lobola and laid up incomplete to await buyer. 1932 Modifications made to design. 1-1933 Completed and delivered to McDougall & Bonthron Ltd., London named Scottie. 1942 Req by Admiralty for service at Gibraltar. 1946 Returned to owners. 196? Sold to Humphrey & Grey (Lighterage) Ltd., London. 1965 Scrapped by Stour Salvage Ltd.,  Mistley, Essex.








Photog unknown. B Hunt colln
Built 1903 by The Montrose Shipbuilding Co Ltd., Montrose. L65.9'. B16.1'. D8.8'. 50grt. 220ihp 2cyl compound steam engine by Alexander Shanks, Arbroath. ON118375.

1904 Delivered to John R.B. Curtis, London named Glory. 1904 Owners The Mercantile Lighterage Co (1904) Ltd., (J.R.B. Curtis), London. 1910 Owner restyled The Mercantile Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 1916 Sold to John G. Hammond, London.5-10-1916 Req for Admiralty service at Chatham.23-6-1920 Returned to owner. 1920 Sold to Harry Barnett, Guernsey. 1920 Sold to Richard George Odell, London. 1920 Owners Trafalgar Towing Co (1920) Ltd., (R.G. Odell), London. 1934 Owner Richard George Odell, London. 1934 Sold to  Henry Deering, London. 1935 Renamed Despatch. 1941 Owners Deering & Sons Ltd., London. 1952 Scrapped.





Company acquired 1920 by William Cory.

For other vessel see under William Cory and Son Limited lists. 




Built ?? by ??. Wood screw tug. L52.6'. B11.9'. D5.2'. 20grt. 95bhp diesel engine. ON184368.

1957 [by] Owner H R Mitchell and Sons Ltd., Woolwich. 1975 Still owned.



Built 1911 inHolland. 63.3'x15.1'x7.8'. 55grt. 250ihp 3cylTE engine by Alblasserdamsche Machinefabriek. ON184369. 

1911  Delivered to Antverpia SA de Remorqueurs Anversois, Antwerp, named  President Armand Grisar.  3-1940 Purchased by Royal navy, based Sheerness.  Renamed Dromedary. 5-1940 Took part in Dunkirk evacuation under Master Sub/Lt T. Lawrie. 6-10-1947 Sold to F W Payne, CanveyIsland,Essex. 1951 Owners H R Mitchell and Sons, Woolwich. 1955 Scrapped in Channel islands.


H R M 

Built  1924 by Rowhedge Ironworks Ltd., Rowhedge.  YN 289. L58'. B13.3'. D5.5'. 37grt. 2cyl compound steam engine by builder. 

1924 Delivered to Thames Conservancy Commission, London named Thames. 19?? Sold to  R G Odell Ltd, London renamed Albion. 19?? Reengined 568bhp Mirrlees diesel. 19?? Owners  H R Mitchell & Sons Ltd., London.  1964 Renamed HRM. 1972 Owners M tugs,London renamed APM.



Built 1913 inGermany. L93'6". B14'8". D5'. 60t[disp]. 85ihp steam engine. 

1913 Delivered to German Kaiserliche Marine,  Wilhelmshaven, named Legde. 1924 Owners restyled to Marinewerft Wilhelmshaven, Wilhelmshaven. 1945 Renamed D 37. 1945 Seized as war prize by  Allied forces. 194? Sold to H.R. Mitchell & Sons Ltd., Woolwich, renamed Legde. 18-6-1962 Arrived at Thomas W. Ward Ltd., Grays, for scrapping.



Photo A Hughes colln.

Built 1939 by H. Ranke, Hamburg-Neuenfelde. L60.3'. B18.4'. D8'. 50grt. 300bhp 6cyl Famo diesel engine. ON186177.

1939 Delivered to H. Dehning, Kiel.10-8-1940 Requisitioned by German Navy for possible invasion of UK.7-1-1941 Returned to owner. 15-3-1943 Requisitioned by German Navy. 1-8-1946  Returned to owner. 1955 Sold to H.R. Mitchell & Sons Ltd., Woolwich. 17-10-1962 Arrived at Thomas W. Ward Ltd., Grays for scrapping.



Built 1887 by Edward Wales, Hull. Designed by  James Pollock Ltd., London ship number 35. Iron. L57'. B13.5'. D6.5'. 37grt. 30nhp 2cyl 11"x22"x15"compound steam engine by builder. Boiler 7'6"dia x 7'. 100psi. ON94319.

1887 Owner James Watkins, London. 1888  Owner Robert Grey, London. 1898 Owner Joseph Constant, London. 1898 Sold to Benjamin Turton & Thomas Hussey, Poplar. 1899 Sold to Arthur, Thomas & Sarah Sales, Woolwich. 1912 Owners A R & S Sales Ltd, Woolwich. 1929 Sold to Harry R, Harry T, Sidney & Stanley Mitchell, Charlton. 1929 Owners H R Mitchell & Sons Ltd, Charlton. 3-1938 Scrapped


Also owners of the Thames Spritsail sailing barges;-

Ewart; Goshawk; His Majesty; Satanita.




No details known.



Built 1948 by Woodhall Diesels, East Ham. L31.4'. B7.5'. D3.8'. 8grt. 120bhp diesel engine by Woodhall Diesels. ON185894

1948 Unregistered.1953 Sold to  Mountfield Towage Ltd., London.



Built 1887 by Edwards & Symes, Cubitt Town. Screw tug. 41 GRT, L62.0' B14.2' D8.3'. 35nhp  C2cyl steam engine by Alex Wilson and Co. ON94354

1887 Delivered to John Mowlem, William Freeman & George Burt, London. 1904 To John Mowlem & Co Ltd., London. 1918 To Alfred Wetherfield & Henry Moore, Gravesend.
1919 To Henry Moore, Southend-on-Sea. 1927 To Emmanuel Smith & Sons Ltd., Brentford. 1930 To The Grimsby Salvage & Towing Co Ltd., Grimsby. 1940 UK Admiralty service for balloon barrage duties attached to G Flight 942/3 Squadron based at Hull. Duties included ferrying balloons out to merchant ships moored in the Humber.  11-5-1942 Sank in Humber Estuary.




Built 1895 Mordey Carney Ltd., Newport Mon. Iron. L56.5'. B13'. D8'. 33GRT 1NRT. 15nhp steam engine. ON98884.

1895 Completed. 1896 Owners Mordey Carney Ltd, Newport. 1901 Registered at London. 1904[by] Owner Charles Murrell, Albion Place, Blackfriars, London.7-8-1916 Hired by Admiralty for Harbour service. 1919 Returned to owner. 1919[by] Owner Harry Parker, Grimsby.





Built 1866 by Brown & Simpson & Co, Dundee. iron screw tug. 17grt 4nrt, 45.3 x 10.1 x 6.0ft.  1cy 15nhp steam engine by   Neave & Melville, Arbroath.  ON54687

13-3-1866 launched.  22-5-1866 sailed Dundee for London (arrived 29-5).  22-5-1866  Owner William Newcomb, Robert Thompson and James Everard.  12-4-1871 British registry closed as "sold foreign". 20-4-1871 Arrived Antwerp. No further trace.


Including The Gas, Light and Coke Co Ltd.

Funnel; Black with band of red pyramids over two narrow black bands, all on a broad white band.



Photo P Bullimore
Built 1927 by James Pollock and Sons Ltd., Faversham. YN1304. L54'. B13.5'. D5.7'.  21grt. 120bhp Bolinder diesel engine. ON160630

6-1928 Launched. 7-1928 Delivered to Gas Light and Coke Company Ltd., London. 1975 Owner W J Earnell Ltd., London. 200? Owner  I.N. Woollett,London. 2001 Re-engined with steam engine. 2015 Still in existence in working order.



Photo D Asprey colln.

Built 1909 by G Rennie and Co, Greenwich. YN1100. L65'. B15.6'. D7.7'. 52grt. 50nhp 2cyl compound Steam engine by Plenty and Son Ltd., Newbury. . ON129048

1909 Delivered to Hope Lighterage Co Ltd., Brentford, named Alan I. 1934[by] Owners River Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 1950 Owners North Thames Gas Board, London.1-12-1951  Renamed Beckton. 1958 Sold to H Landseer-Bailey Ltd., London. No further trace.



Photog unknown
 Built 1957 by Richard Dunston Ltd., Thorne. L61.4'. B15.3'. D8.4'. 43grt. 202bhp diesel engine. Kort nozzle. 

14-2-1957 Launched. 1957 Delivered to North Thames Gas Board., London. 1965 Sold to J.T. Palmer & Sons., Gravesend, renamed Niparound. 197? Sold to J. Dinwoodie & Sons, Granton. 1985 Rebuilt, renamed Defiant. Reengined 270bhp 6cyl Lister-Blackstone diesel. Regd Granton. ON387816 19?? Sold to Briggs, Burntisland. 2002 Derelict on beach at Voe, Shetland Islands.




Funnel; Black with blue 'O' on broad white band.



Photog unknown
Built  1924 by Rowhedge Ironworks Ltd., Rowhedge.  YN 289. L58'. B13.3'. D5.5'. 37grt. 2cyl compound steam engine by builder.

1924 Delivered to Thames Conservancy Commission, London named Thames. 19?? Sold to  R G Odell Ltd, London renamed Albion. 19?? Reengined 568bhp Mirrlees diesel. 19?? Owners  H R Mitchell & Sons Ltd., London.  1964 Renamed HRM. 1972 Owners M tugs, London renamed APM.



Built 1915 by Philip & Son, Dartmouth YN 454. L48.5'. B12.5'. D5'9". 25grt. 85ihp 2cyl compound by builder ON161374

1915 Delivered to  UK War Office (IWTD), named A13. 1916 Redesignated AS 13. 1921 Owners Crichton, Thompson & Co. London. 1921 Owner Price's Patent Candle Co., Battersea, renamed Veitch Wilson. 1937 Owner R.G. Odell Ltd., Shepperton, renamed Ambi. 29-4-1941 On Admiralty skid-towing service 6-11-1941  Returned to owner.



Built 1895 by William Hamilton & Co Ltd., Port Glasgow. YN120 L70'. B16.4'. D9'. 70grt. 52nhp steam engine. ON105710.

1895 Delivered to H Covington & Sons Ltd, Battersea. 1915 Req for Admiralty service at Harwich. 1919 Returned to owners. 1940 Sold to  R G Odell Ltd.,London. 1968 Scrapped.






Photo Rays colln







Built 1935 by J Pollock Sons & Co Ltd, Faversham. YN 1247. L44'. B11'. D5.8'. 20grt. 80bhp Allen diesel engine. 

6-1935 Launched named Laybay. 1935 Sold to R G Odell Ltd, London renamed Eastwick. 8-6-1942 Req by Admiralty. 2-1944 on Admiralty service UK waters. 24-4-1944 On Admiralty service in East Indies and presumed never shipped back to UK.



Built 1926 by T. van Duijvendijk, Lekkerkerk. YN 4. L59'. B14.4'. D6.2'. 35grt. 140bhp diesel engine. ON161407.

1926 Delivered to General Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 1934 Owners London Bridge Lines Ltd., London. 19?? Sold to R.G. Odell Ltd., London.16-9-1942 Req by Admiralty. 22-10-1942 Sank.



Photog unknown. B Hunt colln
Built 1903 by The Montrose Shipbuilding Co Ltd., Montrose. L65.9'. B16.1'. D8.8'. 50grt. 220ihp 2cyl compound steam engine by Alexander Shanks, Arbroath. ON118375.

1904 Delivered to John R.B. Curtis, London named Glory. 1904 Owners The Mercantile Lighterage Co (1904) Ltd., (J.R.B. Curtis), London. 1910 Owner restyled The Mercantile Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 1916 Sold to John G. Hammond, London.5-10-1916 Req for Admiralty service at Chatham.23-6-1920 Returned to owner. 1920 Sold to Harry Barnett, Guernsey. 1920 Sold to Richard George Odell, London. 1920 Owners Trafalgar Towing Co (1920) Ltd., (R.G. Odell), London. 1934 Owner Richard George Odell, London. 1934 Sold to  Henry Deering, London. 1935 Renamed Despatch. 1941 Owners Deering & Sons Ltd., London. 1952 Scrapped.



Built 1895 by G. Rennie & Co Ltd., Greenwich.  L68.5’. B15.1’. D8.8’. 59grt. 280ihp 2cyl compound steam engine by Plenty & Son Ltd. ON105812.

1895 Delivered to  Charles W. Harrison, London. 1896 Acquired by William Cory & Son Ltd., London. 1916 Transferred to Cory Lighterage Ltd., London.2-1-1921 Collided with SS Dalton in Barking Reach while towing five barges. Engineer, Fireman and two lightermen drowned. Tug whilst out of control also collided with SS Taormina. 1924 Sold to Emmanuel Smith & Sons Ltd., Brentford. 1929 Sold to Henry D. Lane, Rotherhithe. 1930 Sold to S.F. Morris & Co Ltd., London. 1933 Owners R.G. Odell Ltd., London. 24-1-1934 Sold for scrap to T.W. Ward Ltd., Grays. 



 Built 1877 by Cunliffe & Dunlop Ltd., Port Glasgow. YN 130. L94.8'. B17.1'. D8.7'. 87grt. 40nhp 2cyl 17"x30"x20"s 65psi  compound steam engine by builder. ON77438.

8-1877 Delivered to Aberdeen Steam Navigation Co Ltd., Aberdeen. 12-1924 Re-boilered. 1942 Sold to R.G. Odell Ltd., Shepperton. Involved in the erection of the Maunsell AA towers in Thames Estuary. 9-1953 Scrapped.



Built 1893 byRichardson Duck, Thornaby-on-Tees. YN414. L70.3'. B16'. D8.4'. 56grt. 30nhp 2cyl compound steam engine. ON101997.

17-4-1893 Launched. 5-1893 Delivered to Commercial Lighterage Co Ltd, London. 1911 Owners  Union Lighterage Co Ltd, London. 1920 Owners R G Odell Ltd, London. 1939 Still owned by Odell.



Built 1898 by Dundee Shipbuilding Co.,  Dundee. YN118. L69'. B16.4'. D8.5'. 55grt. 60nhp 2cyl compound steam engine. ON108389.

3-6-1898 Launched for J Constant, London. 1898 Delivered to Arthur J. Humphery and Henry Grey Junior Ltd., London. 193? Sold to R.G. Odell Ltd., London.26-9-1939 Req by Admiralty for balloon barrage service. 25-9-1941 Returned to owner. 16-10-1961 Arrived at  Thomas W. Ward Ltd., Grays, for scrapping.



No details known.



Built 1905 by Phillip and Son, Dartmouth. YN285. L15.37m. B3.68m. D1.96m. 25grt. 90ihp 2cyl compound steam engine by builder. ON120639.

1905 Delivered to London Grain Elevator Co., London. Named Harty. 1909 Transferred to PLA. 7-1940 Req by Admiralty for Thames boom defence duties. 16-11-1945 Returned to PLA. For many years kept as a spare tug in Surrey Commercial Docks. 1953 Sold to R. G. Odell Ltd., London. 4-3-1954  Renamed Oval. 1968 Scrapped. 



Built 1928 by Rowhedge Ironworks Ltd, Rowhedge. YN 386. L34.2'. B8.4''. D3.3'. 6grt. 30bhp Brons diesel engine. ON160396.

1928 Delivered to Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Co Ltd., London named Brons. 1955 Sold to R.G. Odell Ltd., Shepperton renamed Oxford. 1972 Sold to Saunders Marine. 19??: Sold to Genet Marine. 2005 Still in existence.

[Reengined at some stage with Gardner 6LX diesel]



 Built 1906 by Napier Ltd,  Southampton. Designed by James Pollock Ltd. Ship No 141. L31.9'. D7.1'. B3.3'. 5grt. Steam engine.  ON148693.

1906 Delivered to unknown owner named Rene. 192? Re-engined  20bhp 1cyl Bolinder diesel by James Pollock Ltd., Faversham. 1925 Sold to Thames Steam Tug & Lighterage Co Ltd. Renamed Rennie. 1933 Rebuilt at Brentford. 1949 Sold to R.G. Odell Ltd., London. 1992 Registration cancelled. 199? Sold to Environment Agency, London, renamed Gade. 199? Sold to J. Please, Kingston, renamed Tom. 2004 Still in service.



Built 1888 by Newall & Co Ltd., Bristol. L69.2’. B14.3’. D7.6’. 49grt. 45nhp 2cyl compound steam engine by builder. ON95432.

1888 Delivered to Herbert G. Radford, London. 1895 Sold to Phillip Margetts, Canning Town. 1897 Sold to George E. Gush, London. [£1450]. 1906 Sold to Herbert D. Gaselee , London. 1911 Sold to John Mitchell & George Pattison, Gravesend. 1913 Sold to George Murrell,  London. 1925 Owners Murrell's Wharf Ltd., London. 1925 Sold to Trafalgar Towing Co (1920) Ltd., [Richard G. Odell] London. 1934 Owner  R.G. Odell, Margate. 1948 Scrapped.



Built 1886 by Harvey Ltd., Hayle. Iron. L62'. B13.4'. D6.9'. 32grt. 19nhp steam engine. ON91899.

1892[by] Owner Robert Grey, London. 1904[by] Owner Henry Grey, London. 1918[by] Owners Arthur J Humphrey and Henry Grey, London. 4-3-1923 Collided with barge Waveney in tow of tug Vivacity and then ran foul of Battersea Bridge. Engineer William Mundel was scalded to death and fireman suffered severe burns. 1924[by] Owner Trafalgar Towing Co Ltd., Brixton. [R Odell]. 



Photo B Hunt colln.

Built 1906 by Simpson Strickland and Co., Dartmouth. Wood. L52.2'. B11.2'. D5.3'. 22grt. 10nrt. Steam engine. ON163699

1906 Delivered to HM Customs, Portsmouth, named Alert.19?? Reengined 90nhp 6cyl 4SA diesel by Atlantic Engine Co Ltd., Wishaw [Manuf 1928]. 1935 Sold to  Risdon Beasley Ltd, Southampton. [PoR Southampton 1935] renamed Trela. 1943 Sold to R G Odell Ltd., Shepperton. 1947 Reengined 120bhp 6cyl 4SA diesel by National Gas and Oil Engine Co Ltd., Ashton-under-Lyne. 1955? Converted to a houseboat by Mr Russell and moored at Deacons Yard, Chelsea Embankment.   196? Believed to have broken free from moorings at Chelsea Embankment and drifted up to Hammersmith where sank.

[I am indebted to Mike Russell for the info regarding her later years]



Photo Rays colln




Built 19?? by R.G. Odell Ltd.,  Walton. Diesel.

19?? Completed for R.G. Odell Ltd., London named Walton. 19?? Sold , renamed Endeavour. 2007 Still in existence.



Built 1935 by James Pollock Ltd., Faversham. YN 1526. L43'. B11.7'. D4.5'. 18grt. 80bhp Allen diesel engine. ON164557.

10-1935 Launched. 11-1935 Delivered to R G Odell Ltd, London. 194? Req by Admiralty and classified as special service vessel. 11-11-1943 Reported sunk by enemy action. [This may possibly have been in East Indies]



Photo Rays colln

Built ???? by ????. Diesel.

1953 Owners R.G. Odell Ltd., London. 1971 Sold and converted to fishing vessel, Reengined Fordson FD6 diesel.





Built 1866 at Stranraer. Wood screw tug. L38'2". B10'2". D?. 12grt. 9nhp 2cyl steam engine. ON60035.

  1866 Delivered to unknown owner named Thistle. 1-1868 Owner Henry Herbert Smith, Liverpool. 10-1868 Sold to Herbert Lake, Liverpool. 1-1869 Sold to Edward, Edward Jeremiah, Benjamin and William Olyett, London renamed Edward. 11-8-1869 Boiler exploded at Brewers Wharf due to tampering with safety valve. Skipper George Charles Evans, 39, Joseph Williams 17, and a foreign seaman killed. Later raised and beached near Tower Pier.



Built 1872 by Thomas B Seath, Rutherglen. YN123. L54.6'. B10.5'. D7'. 22grt. 20nhp steam engine. ON68400.

1872 Delivered to E & B Olyett, London. 1880[by] Owner James Perkins, London. 1904 James Perkins, London. 1911[by] Owners Steamship Owners Coal Association, London. 1914[by] Owner John T Gilford, London. 1933 [by] Owner John T Gilford, Rotherhithe. 1938 Owner John Gilford, London.





Built 1877 by Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Co.,  Blackwall. Iron. L60.8'. B13.2'. D6.7'. 32grt. 22nrt. 20nhp 1cyl 17"x16" steam engine by J Stewart and Co, Blackwall.  ON77069.

1877 Delivered to William S Page and Richard East, Vauxhall, Named Ajax. 1878 Owners restyled as  Page Son and East Ltd. 1882 Owner William S Page, Vauxhall. 1911 Sold to John Robson, Hull and renamed Troy.  1912 Sold to Troy Steam Towing Company Ltd., (John Robson, manager), Hull. 1916 Sold to Charles F. Buxton, Grimsby. 1920 Sold to Mrs Eleanor Buxton, Grimsby. 12.1944 Purchased by John Henry Pigott, Grimsby. 1953 Sold for scrap.

Built 1866 by John Dudgeon, Cubitt Town. iron screw tug  56.5'x12'x6.4'. 25grt. 4nrt. 20nhp 1cyl high-pressure 16"x16" steam engine by builder. ON91981
1866 ?? (unregistered) 3-1883owner Page & East, Vauxhall.  14-1-1887Owner  William S Page and Richard East,  18-10-1895 William S Page and Richard W, Arthur J & Ernest T East, Vauxhall.  9-9-1896 owner  R W, A J & E T East.  10-5-1898 Owner R W & E T East 8-4-1905Owner Page, Son & East Ltd, Nine Elms, Vauxhall.  25-6-1907 Owner Sir William Arrol & Co Ltd, Glasgow.  3-9-1909 Richard Waters, London.  9-12-1914 Owner Ed T Agius & Co, Southampton, Ltd, Southampton.  10-2-1916 (reg Southampton).  7-11-1935 Lewis & Agius Ltd, Southampton.  11-11-1942 registry closed as broken up.


Built 1877 at Blackwall. L60.1'. B13.1'. D6.5'. 32grt. 25nhp steam engine. ON77068.

1877 Delivered to William S Page, Vauxhall, London.1882 Still owned. 1892[by] Owner Richard William East, London. 1904 Still owned.




Including W E Palmer.


Funnel; Blue with red top separated by a black band bordered by narrow white bands.


 Built 1929 by Haarlemsche Scheepsbouw Mij., Haarlem YN 236. L50.5'. B12'. D4.8'. 25grt. 200bhp Kromhout 4cyl diesel by Perman and Co., Bermondsey.  ON161375.

1929 Delivered to A.H. Green & Co Ltd., London. 15-9-1940 On UK Admiralty service as minesweeper at Gravesend. 10-10-1940 Returned to owner 29-4-1941 On UK Admiralty service as skid towing Minesweeper at Gravesend. 18-8-1945 Returned to owner.19?? Transferred to G J Palmer and Son. 1957 Still owned.



Built 1915 by Lytham Shipbuilding and Eng. Co. Ltd., Lytham St. Annes. YN522. Twin screw tug. L68'6". B15'7". D7'. 56grt. 160ihp 2x2cyl 8"x18"x12"s compound steam engines by builder. Acquired 1920. Disposed 1925.

15-7-1915 Launched. 1915 Delivered to War Office as A45. 1916 Now AS45. 1920 Acquired by PLA, renamed Bayswater. 1925 Sold to J. Livingston and Son, London. 1927 Owner W. E. Palmer, London. 1935 Owner W. E. H. Bernays, London. 1935 Owner Port Autonome de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, renamed Remorqueur No 3.  No further trace. 



No details known.



Built 1923 at Dunkirk. L56'. B13.6'. D4.7'. 29grt. 120bhp. ON161336.

1934[by] Owners W E Palmer and Sons.



Photo RGR Colln

Built 1923 by Vosper Ltd., Southampton??

No details known.



Built 1926 by A Hall & Co Ltd., Aberdeen. YN599. L54.8'. B14.1'. D6.3'. 35grt. 160bhp 4cyl Kromhout diesel engine. ON148776.

1926 Delivered to Henry Deering, London named Thamesman. 1931 Sold to Walter E Palmer, Poplar renamed  Primate. 1934[post] Owners G J Palmer & Sons Ltd, London. 8-6-1942 Req for Admiralty service. 18-10-1945 Returned to owners.  1992 Registry closed 'No trace'.



Built ???? by ???? 180bhp diesel engine.

1966 Owners G.J. Palmer & Sons Ltd., London.



See under Erith and Dartford Lighterage Co Ltd.





Built 1865 at Poplar. Iron screw tug. L56.3'. B12'. D6.1'. 25grt. 25nhp steam engine. ON96584.

1889 First regn London. 1890[by] Owner William Barnes Passmore, 24 London Wall, London. 1900[by] Owner George Lawremce, 25, Odessa St., Rotherhithe. 20-7-1901 Alfred Thomas Goodwell drowned after tug was run down by SS Ceres in lower reaches of river. 1902 Register closed, presumed scrapped.




Built 1879 at Uxbridge. Wood screw tug. L54'. B8.8'. D4.3'. 14grt 10nrt. 16hp. On85086.
1879 Unknown owner. 6-12-1881 first regd London. Unknown owner. 1883 Owner Mrs Ellen Payne, Brentford. 1-9-1883 Richard Pearce, Captain, remanded at Brentford accused of Attempted Drowning after pushing his wife into river when she came aboard the tug asking for money. 17-11-1887 Barges towed by the tug collided with and damaged sailing barge Six Sisters which was anchored between Battersea and Albert Bridges.1889 Owner George Pope, Brentford. [waterman]. 1894 Owner James Clements, Brentford. 1896 Owners Rayner and Hayball Ltd., London. 1897 Owner George Knowling, Kew Bridge, London. 8-9-1898 Aground off Jennings Wharf, Windsor, owing to low water levels.Towed off by tug Duchess. 1902 Owner George Parr, Putney. [waterman]. 1911 Owner Ernest Ridley, Abbey Wharf, Reading. [Timber Merchant and Saw and planing mills owner]. 1925 Owners Edgar O. Ridley and Edward G. Ridley, Abbey Wharf, Reading. 1926 Owner Edgar O. Ridley, Reading. 1931 Last entry MNL. 1932 Register closed.



Photog unknown. B Hunt colln
Built 1926 by J H Pollock Ltd., Faversham. YN1159 L54.5'. B14.1'. D7.1'. 34grt. 135bhp 2cyl Bolinder diesel engine. ON149692.

5-1926 Launched. 7-1926 Delivered to T H Pearce Ltd., London. 1934 Owner Thomas H Pearce, Belvedere, Kent. 1967 Sold to W E White & Sons (Towage) Ltd, London renamed Jolly  White. 1973 Sold to Peter Horlock, Mistley renamed Rogue.



Built 1916 at Deptford. L61'. B15.6'. D6.7'. 53grt 80bhp  Bolinder diesel engine. ON139114.

1918[by] Owner Thomas H Pearce, Erith. 1960 Owner T H Pearce Ltd., London.




Built 1865 at Poplar. Iron screw tug. 56'x11.9'x6.6'. 20ihp steam engine. ON52722.
1865 Delivered to Richard M Phillipps, 11  Rood Lane, London. 1876 Owner William Hockley, Campbell Rd, Bow. 1886 Owner Albert J Fuller, Lion Wharf, Millwall. 1890 Scrapped. 



Built 1875 by Dudgeon, Poplar. Iron. L70.2'. B13.9'. D7'. 47grt. 30nhp steam engine. ON70724.

1875 Delivered to George C. Graves, London. 1884 Owners Phillips and Graves, London. 14-7-1885 Collided with, and sank, sailing barge Rebecca off Millwall Dock. 12-3-1887 Lighter being towed collided with and damaged brigantine Fearless off Kings Stairs. 1891[by] Owner Edward Martin, Blackwall.  1892[by] Owner Jas. Margetts, London. 1911 [by] Owners William J and Mrs Sarah Margetts, Stephenson St., Canning Town. 1918[by] Owners Grimsby Steam Tug and Launch Company, Grimsby.  1924[by] Owner Rowland H Charlton, Louth. 1934[by] Owners Lincolnshire Towage Co Ltd, Grimsby.



Built 1890 at Blackwall. L75'. B14.6'. D7.8'. 53grt. 50nhp steam engine. ON98110.

1896[by] Owners Richard Phillips and John Graves, London.1910[by] Owner  John Graves, London. 1924[by] Owners Phillips and Graves, London. 1927 Sold to W J R Whitehair Ltd., London. 28-11-1927 1800hrs. Under command of Captain Pamplin with a crew of four, due to defective steering gear collided with Cadogan Pier, Chelsea. The collision caused the link span of the pier to collapse onto the tug forcing it under the water. The boiler then exploded scalding to death two men in the engine room, Mr Alder and Mr Doolan. Captain Pamplin, badly cut about the head, the Mate and the  16 year old boy , Weekes, were rescued from the water. 12-1927 The wreck was refloated, towed away and believed scrapped as registration was cancelled in 1928. 





Photo B Hunt colln.

Built 1911 by Arnhemsche Stoomsleephelling Maatschappij, Arnhem. 50grt. 9nrt. 62.4'x15.5'x7.1'. 190ihp T3cyl by shipbuilder ON 149976

1911 Delivered to unknown owner. 1928 Sold to Phillips Mills & Co Ltd., Battersea.1931 Owners Phillips Towing & Lighterage Co Ltd., Battersea. 1937 Scrapped.
See under NAJA [2]  Gaselee Ltd [2]





Built 1888 by Union Lighterage Ltd.,  Millwall. Designed by James Pollock Ltd., London ship number 43. L69'. B16.2'. D8.5'. 56grt. 45nhp 2cyl 15"x30"x20" compound steam engine. Boiler 10' dia x 9'. 100psi. ON95429.

1888 Delivered to Union Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 1904 Same owner. 1911 [by] Owner James Perkins, London. 1924 [by] Owner Herbert M Philp, London. 1939 Still in MNL as same owner. No further trace.





Built 1895 by Thomas B. Seath & Co., Rutherglen. YN 294. L60'. B12.1'. D6.5'. 26grt. 2cyl compound steam engine by Fisher and Co., Paisley. ON104873.

1895 Delivered to James Posgate et al, Gravesend. 1910 Sold to Arthur J Power, Leadenhall St., London. 1913 Sold to R.E.V. James Ltd., Southampton. 1913 Sold to Rhyl Urban District Council, Rhyl. 1924 Scrapped.




Built 1876 at Glasgow. iron screw tug. 65.3'x14.3'x6.3'. 33grt  9nrt. 20hp steam engine ON73736
1878 Owner Alexander Pratt, High St., Poplar. 1888 Owner John Pratt, Forest Gate.  1897 Owner Joseph Constant, London. 1899 Owner Phillip Margetts, Canning Town. 1902 Owner George Margetts, Canning Town. 1907  Owner Williaam J Margetts and Sarah Margetts, Canning Town. 1917 Owner Grimsby S T and Launch Co., Grimsby. No firther trace.



Photo courtesy Gary Morse
We found this photograph in box of family photographs originally belonging to my mother. I entered the boat name in a search engine and your amazing site gave me all the information I was looking for. The photograph shows the Veitch Wilson whilst in service with Price's Candle Co from 1921 to 1937. My great grandfather, William Witt, was an Engineering Toolmaker for Price's until he retired in September 1942. He is second from the right, wearing a tie.

In 1889 Price's took over the Manchester lubricants business of J. Veitch Wilson, Halliday and Co. John Veitch Wilson moved to Battersea as the head of Price's Lubricating Oil Department where he was responsible for the firm's later pre-eminence as a manufacturer of lubricating oils for petrol and diesel engines. That is whom the boat was named after.--Gary Morse.

Built 1915 by Philip & Son, Dartmouth (Yd 454)  25grt 3nrt, 48.5 x 12.6 x 6.0ft.  70ihp 2cyl 7½",15"x12" compound steam engine by builder. ON161374

1915 Delivered to  War Office, Inland Water Transport Directorate, London named  A 13.  1916 Renamed AS 13.  1921 Sold to Crichton Thompson & Co Ltd, London.  1921 Owners Price's Patent Candle Co Ltd, Battersea renamed Veitch Wilson.
 1937 Owner R G Odell Ltd, London, renamed Ambi and registration closed.  29-4-1941 - 6-11-1941 on Admiralty skid-towing [Thames mine sweeping] service. No further trace.



Built 1881 at Brentford. L57.4'. B12.5'. D6'. 26grt. 16nhp steam engine. ON85159.

1881 Delivered to Reading and Palmer, Waterloo Wharf, London. 12-8-1889 Sank off Fountain Pier, Rotherhithe following collision with SS Halcyon. Salved. 1890[by] Owner Joseph Westwood, Millwall. 1900 [by] Owner George Collier, Brentford. 1915[by] Owner Ben Squires, 50, Old Rd., Rotherhithe. 1922 Owner A W Beckett, London. 1924[by] Owner Charles W Beckett, Kingston on Thames. No further trace.





Photo J Taylor/B Hunt colln.

Built 1950 by J W Cook Ltd.,  Wivenhoe. YN1032. L35.6'. B10'. D3.4'. 11grt 90bhp diesel engine. ON183258.

1950 Delivered to  Redriff Towage Company, London. ???? Sold to J Hawkins, London. 1970 Sold to M Tugs, London renamed Glen Allan. 1973 Sold to Ajay Marine.

[Named after the consortium that originally owned it - Talbot, Hawkins and Wells]




Funnel; Yellow with black top separated by red band.



Photog unknown
Built 1934 by Henry Scarr Ltd., Hessle. YN 364. L71.5'. B20,7'. D10.7'. 92grt. Steam engine. ON163557.

1934 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd., London, named Abbotsbury. 19-7-1944 Damaged by flying bomb at Albert Dock Hoists, River Thames. 196? Sold to W.E. White & Sons (Towage) Ltd., London, renamed Chalky White. 19?? Re-engined 425bhp diesel. 1972 Believed sold to Michael J. Batty, Singapore.



Built 1909 by G Rennie and Co, Greenwich. YN1100. L65'. B15.6'. D7.7'. 52grt. 50nhp 2cyl compound Steam engine by Plenty and Son Ltd., Newbury. . ON129048

1909 Delivered to Hope Lighterage Co Ltd., Brentford, named Alan I. 1934[by] Owners River Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 1950 Owners North Thames Gas Board, London. 14-2-1957 Renamed Beckton. 1958 Sold to H Landseer-Bailey Ltd., London.



Photo B Hunt colln.

Built 1948 by Henry Scarr Ltd.,  Hessle. YN599. L68'. B19.5'. D7.4'. 68grt. 520bhp British Polar M471diesel engine. ON182895.

1948 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 1965 Sold to W.J.R. Whitehair Ltd., London. 196? Sold to Union Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 1971 Sold to A.u.H. Huntemann, Hamburg, renamed Lowe. 1973 Converted for pushing by Schiffswerft Johann Oelkers KG., Hamburg-Neuhof. Re-engined 8cyl, 1080bhp diesel. 1996 Sold to Carl Robert Eckelmann, Hamburg. 2005 Still in service



Photo K Liddiard colln.

Built 1953 by Henry Scarr Ltd., Hessle. YN S722. L68'. B18.5'. D7.4'. 68grt. 520bhp 7cyl 2SCSA 230mmx42mm British Polar M471 diesel engine. BP5.8t. ON185972.

15-7-1953 Launched. 1953 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 3-1963 Sold to United Towing Co Ltd., Hull, renamed Patrolman. 1972 Sold to Greek owners , renamed Kampos. 19?? Renamed  Achilleys.  2008 Still in service.



Photo B Hunt colln
Built 1933 by Henry Scarr Ltd., Hessle. YN356. L55.2'. B15.1'. D6.5'. 39grt. 150ihp steam engine by Plenty and Son, Newbury. . ON163340.

9-5-1933 Running trials. 1933 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 196? Sold to W.E. White & Son (Towage) Ltd., London renamed Cassiopeia. 1968? Sold to Christiani & Nielsen Ltd., London. 27-4-1970 Arrived at  Thomas W. Ward Ltd., Grays, for scrapping.



Photog unknown
Built 1933 by Henry Scarr Ltd.,  Hessle. YN355 L65.7'. B18.8'. D9.4'. 72grt. 54nhp 2cyl compound steam engine by Plenty and Son, Newbury. ON163339.

15-3-1933 Launched. 10-4-1933 Running trials. 1933 Delivered to River Lighterage Company Ltd., London.  26-7-1941 Req by Admiralty.  14-2-1946 Returned to owners. 1953 Sold to Liverpool Screw Towing & Lighterage Company Ltd., Liverpool, and renamed Sedge Cock.  1960 Sold to Peter Feilding and Jack Martin, Fleetwood. Re-engined 500bhp Crossley diesel. 1960 Chartered to Fowey Harbour Commissioners, Fowey.  29-6-1964 Sold to J. Saabye & O. Lerche, Copenhagen, renamed Osvald.  1-1977 Sold to Partenrederi Knud Gert Molders, Bagsværd and Anders Chr. Oestergaard, Gentofte, renamed Schlepper.  7-12-1977 Sold to Niels Henriksen, Svendborg, renamed Danasund.  1978 Re-engined 900bhp  Alpha diesel.  6-1987 Laid up with broken crankshaft.  27-11-1989 Sold to unknown buyers at Copenhagen, converted to houseboat, renamed Laura Kemp.  2005 Still in existence at Copenhagen 



Photo A Hughes colln.
Built 1956 by Richard Dunston Ltd, Thorne. L63.7'. B18.3'. D6.2'. 58grt. 310bhp British Polar diesel engine. ON187399.

1956 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd., London, named Falconbrook. 1966 Sold to W E White Ltd., London renamed Boys White. 1969 Sold to Fleetwood Fishing Vessel Owners, renamed Finch. 1978 Sold to Pevensey Castle Ltd., Lowestoft. 1978 Sold to Talisman Trawlers, Lowestoft. 8-1983  Laid-up in Lake Lothing, Lowestoft. 9-1984 Sold to Mayhew Tugs Ltd, Bristol. 1987 Sold to  McKenzie Marine, Ullapool. 1994 Photographed at Silloth. 2002 Some sources give her as laying in Maryport as a live aboard.



Photog unknown

[Self Propelled Barge]

Built 1947 by Richard Dunston Ltd., Thorne. Motor Barge. L115'. B28.1'. D9.8'. 300grt. 4cyl 2SA British Polar diesel engine. ON187527.

1947 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd., Brentford. 1956 Rebuilt by James and Stone Ltd., Brightlingsea. 30-9-1965 Acquired by London and Rochester Trading Co Ltd., Rochester. 30-12-1969 Sank off Southend Pier, on passage Thames to Medway, with Flaxboard. Later salved, towed to Lynch's Wharf, Strood. 1-5-1970 Arrived under tow at Bruges for scrapping by Brugse Scheepsloperij. 8-1970 Scrapping completed.



Photo B Hunt colln

Built 1940 by Richard Dunston Ltd, Thorne.YN352.  L68.6'. B19.6'. D8.9'. 67grt. 300ihp T3cyl 10"x17",27" x18"  steam engineby  Plenty & Son, Newbury (eng no 2776)  ON167424

17-4-1940 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd, London, named Meads. 1-1958Owner  Land Reclamation Co Ltd, London. 11-1958 British registry closed as "no longer required"
1958Owner  Flower & Everett Ltd, London, renamed Chelsea. 19xx re-engined by ?? M  500bhp. 1972 Owner Reg Neville - towed to Holyhead from Moelfre - lost prop on route. 1972 Owner Roger Wood (Four Seasons), Newhaven - new shaft and prop fitted. 1976 broken up at Queenborough by Liguria Maritime




Photo RGR Colln

Built 1943 by Richard Dunston Ltd.,Thorne. YN 377. L71.2'. B20.5'. D10.6'. 88grt. 400ihp 3cylTE steam engine by Plenty and Son Ltd., Newbury. ON168410.

1943 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd., London named Pinklake. 1960 Sold to W E White & Sons (Towage) Ltd., London. 1961 Sold to F.T. Everard & Sons Lighterage Ltd., London, renamed R.A. Everard. 1962 Re-engined 771bhp 7cyl 2SA L Newbury Diesel. 1975 Re-engined 8cyl 4SA Lister Blackstone diesel. 3-1990 Sold to H.C.H. Services Ltd., Greenhithe, renamed Carole H.



Photog unknown
 Built 1948 by Henry Scarr Ltd.,  Hessle. YN 618. L68’. B19.5’. D7.4’. 68grt. 520bhp 7cyl 2SCSA 230mmx42mm British Polar M471 diesel engine.  BP5.8tons. ON182928.

10-11-1948 Launched. 1949 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd., London, named Stamford Brook.  3-1963 Sold to  United Towing Co Ltd.,  Hull, renamed Dockman. 1973 Sold to Cory Lighterage Ltd.,  London. 1982 Sold to Harold Briggs, Christopher Ward & David Humphreys, Gravesend. 11-4-1983 Three teenage boys lifted from tug by helicopter during storm off Norfolk. Tug, with two men left aboard, escorted into Wells harbour by lifeboat. 1983 Sold to Michael Devlin, Gateshead. 1984 Sold to John Bailey, Driffield (Bailey & Boynton Ltd.,) Hull. 1987 Sold to United Towing Co Ltd., Hull. 1988 Re-registered at Hull.  1989 Sold to Tyne Towage Ltd., Gateshead,  reengined with 520bhp British Polar M471 diesel .BP8tons. 1992 Sold to Survey & Supply Ltd., Grimsby. 1993 Rebuilt renamed Alkelda and re-engined  650bhp 4SCSA 12cyl Detroit 12V-71 diesel engine. 2-1998 Sold to Tyne Towage Ltd.,  Hebburn, renamed Dockman. 1999 Unknown owner at Dover. 2000 Reengined with Dorman 312 diesel engine. 5-2009 Owner Thames Towage, London.



Photog unknown
Built 1950 by Henry Scarr Ltd., Hessle. YN664. L68'. B19.5'. D7.4'. 68grt. 545bhp 7cyl 230mmx42mm 2SCSA British Polar M471 diesel engine [No416]. BP5.8t. ON183244.

21-3-1950 Launched. 1950 Delivered to River Lighterage Co Ltd., London. 3-1963 Sold to United Towing Co Ltd., Hull, renamed Pressman. 1972 Sold to S. B.Towage Company Ltd., (M. E. Street, Bullart & King, managers), London renamed Presstan. 1973 Sold to Greenhithe Salvage Services, Rochester. 1983 Sold to Marine Support and Towage., Cowes. 1989 Sold to Survey & Supply, Grimsby. 1991 Sold to John Dean Tugs Ltd., Hull. 19?? Laid up in River Hull. 2004 Scrapped at New Holland.  





Built in Holland. L45'. B10.5'. D4.8'. 19grt. ON168046.

Formerly named Vischhan. 1940 Regd London. Renamed R.T.C.  1957 Owners RTC Ltd., London.1976 Still owned RTC Ltd., London.



Photos B Hunt colln

Built 1961 by Thames Dry Dock and Engineering Co Ltd., Millwall. L40', D4'9". Diesel engine.

1961 Delivered to River Thames Carriers Ltd., London. 196? Sold to W G Marriott Ltd., London, renamed W.G.M. 19?? Sold to Braithwaite and Dean Lighterage Ltd., London. 1974 Sold to Greenhithe Lighterage Co Ltd, renamed Leonie. 19?? Sold to Thames Dry Dock Services, Pipers Wharf, Greenwich. 1994 Owner Mick McCarthy, London. 2010 Reported ashore at Canvey Island.


Also owners of the registered barges;

Brahmin; Delhi; Halifax; Lucknow; Panjabi; Pathan; Quebec. 




Built 1903 A W Robertson & Co, Canning Town 34grt 11nrt, 57.8 x 13.6 x 6.3ft 120IHP C2cyl 9",18"x14s steam engine  1-screw, by Alexander Shanks & Son Ltd, Arbroath ON118329

1-10-1903 Alexander Winton Robertson, London as VICTOR. 15-1-1907 British registry closed as "no longer required" (inland use, overseas sale?)



Built 1865 at Poplar. iron. L58.6'. B12.2'. D7.1'. 29grt. 25nhp Steam engine. ON56819.

1868[by] Owner William Vokins, London. 1892[by] Owner John Greig, Free Trade Wharf, Ratcliff, London. 1896[by] Owner G W Looker, Manchester Rd., Poplar. 1904 Owner G. Looker, London. 1910[by] Owner G T Looker, 37 Bath St., Poplar. 1915[by] Owner Sarah M Looker, 83 Abbott Rd., Poplar. 1924[by] Owners Rotifer Towing Company, London [Henry D Lane manager].



Built 1883 by Thames Ironworks Ltd., Blackwall.  L68.6’. B14.3’. D7.3’. 48grt. 35nhp steam engine by T A Young Ltd., London. ON89601.

1883 Delivered to William Cory and Son Ltd., Lambeth, London. 12-12-1895 Damaged following collision with SS Black Boy. 1919 Sold to Charles Prizeman, London. 1923[by] Owners Rotifer Towing Ltd, Culling Rd, Rotherhithe. [Henry D Lane manager]. 1938 Scrapped.



Built 1897 atFalmouth. L70.1'. B14'. D7.8'. 54grt. 30nhp. ON106252

1897 Registered at Newport. Formerly named Victory. 1924 Owners Rotifer Towing Company., Rotherhithe, London, now renamed Varzy. 1938 Still owned.

